Who knows the characteristics of "cuboid", "Cube", "cylinder" and "cone"

Who knows the characteristics of "cuboid", "Cube", "cylinder" and "cone"

The cuboid has 6 faces, two opposite faces are equal, 12 edges and 8 vertices
A cube has 6 equal faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices
A cylinder has three faces. The upper and lower plane figures are circles, and the other side is a surface
A cone has two sides. One is round at the bottom and the other is curved at the side

Mathematical understanding. Cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder, cone······
There are trapezoidal bodies, triangles...
Categorize and give reasons

It can be divided into two types
One is a solid composed of all planes, such as cube, cuboid, triangle and so on
The other is the body with curved surface, such as sphere, cylinder, cone and so on

Cuboid, cube, cylinder cone volume calculation formula is the same and different
Such as the title

The same is the bottom area x high
A rectangle is length x width x height
Square is edge length x edge length x edge length
The cylinder is the square of (3.14) x radius (radius x radius) x height
A cone is one-third of the radius of X or the square of x high
Different, we have to thank the next one or the landlord himself

How many kinds of cuboids can be assembled with 12 cuboids whose edges are 1 cm long? Their surface areas can be calculated respectively

12 can be divided by three integers at the same time, they are: 1.1.12 1.2.6 1.3.4 2.2.3, so there are four kinds. The surface areas are: (1 × 1 + 1 × 12 + 1 × 12) × 2 = 50 square centimeter (1 × 2 + 2 × 6 + 1 × 6) × 2 = 40 square centimeter, (1 × 3 + 3 × 4 + 1 × 4) × 2 = 38 square centimeter, (2 × 2 + 2 × 3 + 2 ×

A large cuboid is made up of 12 small square wooden blocks with 1 cm long edges. What is the maximum and minimum surface area of the cuboid?
Sort of

If the area is the largest, as long as the contact surface of each small block is the smallest, it can be arranged into a long body with length of 12, width of 1 and height of 1, and the surface area is 3 (1 + 12 + 12) = 75

What is the largest surface area of a cuboid made of 12 small cubes with an edge length of 1cm
What I want is the process of thinking
The more accurate the results, the better
Explain why

Spelling 6 * 2 * 1 use 6 small cubes to place two rows to form a layer of small cubes. 4 * 3 * 1 use 4 small cubes to place three rows to form a layer of small cubes. 12 * 1 * 1 use 12 small cubes to place one row to form a layer of small cubes

In order to maximize the surface area of a cuboid made of 12 cuboids, the cuboid is () cm in length, () cm in width and () cm in height

The surface area is the largest and the adjacent surface is the least. It can only be in a row
It is 12 cm long, 1 cm wide and 1 cm high

Six cubes with 10 cm long edges are stacked together to form a cuboid, and the surface area of the cuboid is calculated

(6 * 6-10) * 10 * 10 = 2600 square centimeter

A cuboid is made up of three cubes whose edges are 1 cm long. What is the surface area and volume of the cuboid?

1 × 1 × 6 × 3 = 18 square centimeter
So the surface area of the three cubes is 18 square centimeters
18-1 × 1 × 4 = 14 square centimeters
The surface area of the cuboid is 14 square centimeters because the cuboid has four less faces
1 × 1 × 1 × 3 = 3 cubic centimeter
So the volume is three cubic centimeters

If the total area of a cube is a ^ 2 and its vertices are all on the same sphere, then the volume of the sphere is
Speed, detail, thank you

Let the side length of the cube be L
Then 6L ^ 2 = a ^ 2
l=√6/6 a
The diameter of the ball is the diagonal of the cube
r=√3/2 l==√2/4 a
Volume v = 4 / 3 π R ^ 3 = 4 / 3 π 1 / 32 A ^ 3 = π a ^ 3 / 24