Is the displacement difference formula the expression of displacement x = v0t-1 / 2at ^ 2?

Is the displacement difference formula the expression of displacement x = v0t-1 / 2at ^ 2?

No! This is the displacement formula
Sn = VTT + 1 / 2at ^ 2, which is the displacement formula of two different time periods,
Because it is a variable speed motion, the displacement of two passes is different in the same time interval,
The difference between the two displacements is the displacement difference, and the formula subtraction is: sn-sn-1 = at ^ 2

The displacement formula of uniform variable speed linear motion is x = v0t + 1 / 2at ^ 2, and the average velocity formula in this period

Average speed is the distance divided by time

What is the deformation formula of S = VOT + 1 / 2at square for finding a


A mathematical problem of geometric proof in the second grade of junior high school
In the parallelogram ABCD, with AB and CD as sides, the equilateral triangle Abe and CDF are made outside the parallelogram to connect AC, EF.AC Can EF and EF be equally divided? Explain why
I want less steps, I want all the steps,
There will be more points···

Let AC and EF intersect at point O. in triangle AOE and triangle COF, angle AOE is equal to angle COF, and angle OAE is equal to angle OCF, so angle AEO is equal to angle OFC, and edge AE is equal to edge cf. therefore, from angle and angle, triangle AOE is equal to triangle COF, so Ao is equal to CO, and fo is equal to EO. That is, AC and EF can be equally divided

As shown in the figure, there are four points P, a, B and C on the sphere. If PA, Pb and PC are perpendicular to each other, and PA = Pb = PC = a, the surface area of the sphere is______ .

If the four points P, a, B and C in space are on the same sphere, PA, Pb and PC are perpendicular, and PA = Pb = PC = a, then PA, Pb and PC can be regarded as three edges from a vertex of a cube, so the sphere passing through the four points P, a, B and C in space is the circumscribed sphere of a cube with edge length a, and the diameter of the sphere is the circumscribed sphere of a cube

As shown in the figure, there are four points P, a, B and C on the sphere. If PA, Pb and PC are perpendicular to each other, and PA = Pb = PC = a, the surface area of the sphere is______ .

If the four points P, a, B and C in space are on the same sphere, PA, Pb and PC are perpendicular, and PA = Pb = PC = a, then PA, Pb and PC can be regarded as three edges from a vertex of a cube, so the sphere passing through the four points P, a, B and C in space is the circumscribed sphere of a cube with edge length a, and the diameter of the sphere is the diagonal of the cube with length 3a, so the area of the sphere s = 4 π (32a) 2 = 3 So the answer is: 3 π A2

For a hexagonal prism, the bottom side length is 1cm, and the side edge length is 2cm. What is the total edge length?
Come on,

What is the length of the edge
Total length 24cm

A regular n prism has 9 edges, the length of side edge is 10, and the length of bottom edge is 3. It is a regular () prism, and the side area of this prism is ()

It is a regular triangular prism with a side area of 1 * 10 * 3 = 30

A hexagonal prism with 6 cm side length and 5 cm side edge length is common_ What are the lengths of the ridges?

There are 18 edges
They are: 6 5

A square with a side length of 4cm surrounds the side of a straight quadrangular prism with a square ground. The bottom side of the straight quadrangular prism is 4cm long_______ .
Eight on mathematics teaching and learning

1cm is equivalent to folding one side of a square with 4cm side length into a small square, and the other three sides of a large square are the height of a quadrangle, so it's 1cm