What is the displacement ratio with equal time interval in uniform acceleration linear motion I remember that the ratio of displacement in the same time interval is 1:3:5:7, but it's not very clear,

What is the displacement ratio with equal time interval in uniform acceleration linear motion I remember that the ratio of displacement in the same time interval is 1:3:5:7, but it's not very clear,

Well, it's 1:3:5:7: n ^ 2 - (n-1) ^ 2

Four formulas of uniformly variable speed linear motion and deduction of displacement difference at equal time interval
What are the characteristics of each formula? How to choose in specific problems

)Uniform linear motion
1. Average velocity v = s / T (definition) 2. Useful inference vt2-vo2 = 2As
3. Velocity at intermediate time VT / 2 = vplat = (VT + VO) / 2 4. Final velocity VT = VO + at
5. Middle position velocity vs / 2 = [(VO2 + vt2) / 2] 1 / 2 6. Displacement S = V flat t = VOT + at2 / 2 = VT / 2T
7. Acceleration a = (VT VO) / T {with VO as the positive direction, a and VO are in the same direction (acceleration) a > 0; if a is in the opposite direction, a

It is known that the acceleration of an object moving in a straight line with uniform acceleration is a. please prove that the average velocity in a period of time t is equal to the time t in the middle of that period
It is known that the acceleration of an object moving in a straight line with uniform acceleration is a. please prove that the average velocity in a period of time t is equal to the instantaneous velocity in the middle of the period of time t
When an object moves in a straight line with zero initial velocity and constant speed, its displacement in one second is one meter, and its acceleration and displacement in three seconds are calculated

Let the initial velocity be v
The displacement in time t is s = v.t + 1 / 2 at & # 178;
Then the average velocity in time t is v = s / T = v. + 1 / 2 at
The instantaneous velocity at 1 / 2 T is v. + a × 1 / 2 T = v. + 1 / 2 at
Therefore, the proposition holds

Replace the following numbers with false fractions of 1 12 5 4 7 7 8 11

2 and 1 / 3 = 7 / 3
12 and 4 out of 5 = 64 out of 5
7 and 8 out of 7 = 57 out of 7

Given a, B, C, D (0,1), try to compare the size of ABCD and a + B + C + D-3, and give the proof
How to prove ABCD > A + B + C + D-3?

The title should be as follows:
It is known that a, B, C and D belong to (0,1). Try to compare the size of ABCD with a + B + C + D-3 and prove it

It is known that: a × 5 / 4 = B × 7 / 3 = C × 4 / 1 = D × 3 / 2, and ABCD is not zero, then the order of the four numbers of ABCD from large to small is
The score is from left to right

A greater than D greater than b greater than C
The greater the known factor, the smaller the unknown factor

It is known that a = 2 / 3 = B × 3 / 4 = C × 11 / 12 = D × 4 / 15, and ABCD is a non-zero number, please arrange ABCD from small to large


It is known that a × 15 × 1199 = B × 23 △ 34 × 15 = C × 15.2 △ 45 = D × 14.8 × 7374. The largest number of a, B, C and D is______ .

A × 15 × 1199 = B × 23 △ 34 × 15 = C × 15.2 △ 45 = D × 14.8 × 7374, a × 15 × 10099 = B × 23 × 43 × 15 = C × 15.2 × 54 = D × 14.6, a × 50033 = B × 403 = C × 19 = D × 735, a × 2500165 = B × 2200165 = C × 3135165 = D × 2409165

Four mutually unequal integers a B C D, their product ABCD = 25, then a + B + C + D=


The product of ABCD multiplied by 9 is a, B, C and D. when ABCD stands for each number, the formula holds

If B = 1, then C = 0 (because the four digits are less than 1112), then ABCD = 1109, which is not suitable for the topic. If B = 0, then c * 9 =? 2, then C = 8, which is suitable for the topic
So ABCD = 1089
ABCD × 9 = DCBA because DCBA is still four digits, so a must be 1, otherwise ABCD × 9 will not be four digits
Because the digit of D × 9 is 1, d must be 9
Write the formula as 1 bc9 × 9 = 9cb1
Because B × 9 has no carry (otherwise a × 9 + carry product is not four digits)
So B must be 0 (because a = 1)
Because the digit of C × 9 + 8 is 0, C must be 8
That is, ABCD = 1089
Checking calculation: 1089 × 9 = 9801