Draw an image of y = x (square of) + 1 When x = - 1, the image passes through the origin When x = 0, how to draw the image after (0, - 1) Er Why translation Sweat Wrong image with y = x (square) - 1, eh

Draw an image of y = x (square of) + 1 When x = - 1, the image passes through the origin When x = 0, how to draw the image after (0, - 1) Er Why translation Sweat Wrong image with y = x (square) - 1, eh

When x = - 1, the image does not pass through the origin
This image is the image of y = x (the square of), a nest like, passing through the origin
Then move up one unit as a whole, that is, the bottom of the nest is at (0,1)
That's not right. When x = - 1, y = 0, how can we call it passing through the origin? The origin is (0,0)
In this way, you can translate to the negative direction of the y-axis. Do you want to subtract 1 from the square of y = x, which is equivalent to subtracting 1 from all the values on the y-axis, that is, move one unit down

How to draw the image of y = - x square + 2x + 2

In general, the standard formula y = ax ^ 2 + BX + C, a > 0, opening up. A < 0, opening up
Using x = - B / 2A y = () to get the coordinates of the extreme point, using the comparison of B ^ 2-4ac and 0, the relationship between the curve and the x-axis (intersection, disjoint) is obtained
If you want to be accurate, list the corresponding value tables of X and y, and use the above method to calculate the coordinates of extreme points

It is known that the intersection of the line y = 2x-1 and the two axes is a and B respectively, and the image with function y = 2x square passes through a and B after translation

From the title
Then y = 2x, move 1 / 2 units to the right and pass through two points ab

It is known that the intersection of the line y = 2x-1 and the two coordinate axes is A.B. if y = 2x2 is translated and passes through two points A.B., then the analytic expression of the translated quadratic function is______ .

Substituting x = 0 into y = 2x-1 to get y = - 1, then the coordinates of point a are (0, - 1); substituting y = 0 into y = 2x-1 to get 2x-1 = 0, solving x = 12, then the coordinates of point B are (12, 0). Let y = 2x2 + BX + C be the analytical formula of the parabola after translation, and C = - 112 + 12b + C = 0 be substituting a (0, - 1) and B (12, 0) to get b = 1C = - 1, so the analytical formula of the parabola after translation is y = 2x2 + X-1