Given SiNx = - 3 / 5, X ∈ (3 π / 2,2 π), we can find the value of sin2x and Tan (π - 2x)

Given SiNx = - 3 / 5, X ∈ (3 π / 2,2 π), we can find the value of sin2x and Tan (π - 2x)

Solution: from SiNx = - 3 / 5, X ∈ (3 π / 2,2 π), we can get cosx = 4 / 5
sin2x=2sinxcosx=-24/25 tanx=sinx/cosx=-3/4
So tan (π - 2x) = - (2tanx) / [1 - (TaNx) ^ 2] = 24 / 7

Given that - pi / 3 is less than or equal to x, less than or equal to pi / 4, FX = Tan ^ 2x + 2tanx + 2, find the maximum value of FX and the corresponding formula
X value

The minimum value is 1, where x is - pi / 4. The maximum value is 5, where x is pi / 4

What is sin (PAI / 12) - radical 3 * cos (PAI / 12)

sin (π/12)-√3*cos(π/12) =2*[(1/2)*sin(π/12)-(√3/2)*cos(π/12)] =2*sin(π/12-π/3) =2sin(-π/4) =-2sin(π/4) =-2√2