The coordinates of the highest point on the image of the function f (x) = asin (ω x + φ), (a > 0, ω > 0, φ < π / 2) are (π / 12,3) The coordinate of the lowest point adjacent to it is (- 7 π / 12, - 1). ① find the expression of F (x); ② when x ∈ [π / 2, π], find the increasing range and zero point of monotone function f (x) Please, thank you

The coordinates of the highest point on the image of the function f (x) = asin (ω x + φ), (a > 0, ω > 0, φ < π / 2) are (π / 12,3) The coordinate of the lowest point adjacent to it is (- 7 π / 12, - 1). ① find the expression of F (x); ② when x ∈ [π / 2, π], find the increasing range and zero point of monotone function f (x) Please, thank you

Period T = 4 / 3 π, from the formula t = 2 π / ω to get ω = 3 / 2, the coordinate is wrong, the function is symmetric, the absolute value of the largest number and the absolute value of the smallest number are the same