12.7 divided by 20 parts of 180 degrees I can't understand this problem. Thanks for your help

12.7 divided by 20 parts of 180 degrees I can't understand this problem. Thanks for your help

Sin90 ° sin90 ° is 0. 127 divided by 0 is 0

How to simplify the difference between 2 cons 10 degrees minus sin 20 degrees divided by sin 70 degrees

Answer root 3
Change cos10 into sin80
Sin80 = sin (60 + 20) and then expand with the formula of sum of two angles
After finishing, the molecule is the root 3 times cos20
Cos20 = sin70 and the denominator cancel to get the root 3

How do you describe the characters

Pro, can you make it clear? I don't quite understand you

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