How much is Tan 40? It's a fraction

How much is Tan 40? It's a fraction


Tan40 degrees equals? Tan55 degrees equals? Tan65 degrees equals?
How to calculate this?
Biwa with only special angle, how to calculate this kind of general angle?
What numerical solution? About equal to OK, a root can also be

Analytical solution is not impossible, but it is extremely complex. Usually only numerical solution can be calculated. Numerical solution is generally approximate solution, usually using calculator. If you want to calculate by hand, you can use power series (in fact, this principle is also used in calculator) (the following angle is expressed in radians. N! = n * (n-1) * (n-2) *... * 1) sin (x) = x-x

4cos50°-tan40°=______ .

4cos50 ° - tan40 ° = 4sin40 ° - tan40 ° = 4sin40 ° cos40 °− sin40 ° cos40 ° = 2sin80 ° − sin (30 ° + 10 °) cos40 ° = 2cos10 ° − 12cos10 ° − 32sin10 ° cos40 ° = 32cos10 ° − 32sin10 ° cos40 ° = 3cos (30 ° + 10 °) cos40 ° = 3