If an empty set is a subset of any set, is it a proper subset of any set?

If an empty set is a subset of any set, is it a proper subset of any set?

Except for the empty set itself, yes

An empty set is a proper subset of any set______ .

According to the meaning of the question, if an empty set is a subset of any set and a proper subset of any nonempty set, that is to say, an empty set is not a proper subset of itself, then the original proposition is wrong, so the answer is ×

Why do we say "an element empty set is a proper subset of a set (which contains only one element of an empty set)"
Φ is the proper subset of {Φ}

Because an empty set is a proper subset of any nonempty set
But {Φ} is not an empty set, but a set whose elements are empty sets. This set has elements, and this element is an empty set. It is a special case that an empty set is an element

An empty set is a proper subset of any nonempty set

(1) An empty set is a subset of any set
(2) If an empty set is a non proper subset of a set, only a is an empty set