The number of students in class 61 is 1-5 more than that in class 62. In class 61, boys are 1-4 more than girls. In class 62, girls are 1-8 less than boys?

The number of students in class 61 is 1-5 more than that in class 62. In class 61, boys are 1-4 more than girls. In class 62, girls are 1-8 less than boys?


Class 61 has 10 more people than class 62. The ratio of class 1 to class 2 is 3:5. How many people are there in class 1 and class 2?
Class 61 has 10 more people than class 62. The ratio of class 1 to class 2 is 5:3. How many people are there in class 1 and class 2?

The question is wrong. The ratio is 5 to 3,
There are x people in class one and y people in class two
X divided by y = 5 / 3
So x = 25

There are 100 people in class 61 and class 62. If one seventh of class 61 and two people in class 62 are exchanged, the number of people in the two classes will be equal. How many people are there in class 62

There are x people in the original class 2
There were 42 people in class 62

Class 61 does 32 pieces less than class 62. It is known that there are 50 people in class one, with an average of 4 pieces per person. There are 46 people in class two. How many pieces per person in two classes

(4 × 50 + 32 + 4 × 50) / (46 + 50) = 432 / 96 = 4.5 (pieces) a: each of the two classes does 4.5 pieces on average

There are 20 girls in class 61 and class 62. The number of girls in class 61 is 20, and the number of girls in class 61 is 5 / 6 of the number of boys,
The number of girls in class 62 is 5 / 7 of the number of boys. How many fewer boys are there in class 61 than in class 62

There are 24 boys in class 61 divided by 5 / 6, 28 girls in class 62 divided by 5 / 7, and 4 boys in class 61 minus 24. Therefore, there are 4 boys in class 61 less than those in class 62

There are 58 people in class 61 and 26 people in class 62. How many people can jump to class 61 to make the number of people in class 62 9 less than twice the number of people in class 61

Set the number of skippers as X
That is, the number of skippers is 27

There are 60 girls in class 61 and class 62. The number of boys is 10% less than that of girls. How many students are there in class 61 and class 62?

The number of boys is 10% less than that of girls,
The number of male students is:
60 - (60 * 10%) = 54 (persons)
Class 61 and class 62 have a total of
60 + 54 = 114 (person)

The number of boys in class 1 is three times that of girls in class 2, the number of boys in class 2 is four times that of girls in class 1, and the number of boys in class 1 and class 2 is three times that of girls in class 2

The ratio of boys in class 1 to boys in class 2 is 9:8. The number of girls in class 2 is x, and the number of girls in class 1 is y.3x + y = x = 4Y, x = 1.5y.3x: 4Y = 9:8

There are three classes in Grade 6 with 50 students in each class. The number of boys in class 61 is the same as that of girls in class 62. The ratio of boys to girls in class 63 is 3:2?

If there are x boys in class 61, then there are 50-x girls in class 61 and X girls in class 62,
Because the ratio of boys to girls in class 63 is 3:2,
Therefore, the number of girls in class 63 is 50 * (2 / 5) = 20
So the total number of female students is (50-x) + X + 20 = 70

The number of students in class 61 and class 62 is the same. The ratio of boys to girls in class 61 is 3:4. The ratio of boys to girls in class 62 is 4:5
What is the ratio of girls

So the ratio of male and female students in the total number of two classes is: (27 + 28): (36 + 35) = 55:71