The number of class 61 is four fifths of that of class 62, which is less than that of class 62 ()

The number of class 61 is four fifths of that of class 62, which is less than that of class 62 ()

The number of class 61 is four fifths of that of class 62, and that of class 61 is less than that of class 62 (1 / 5 & nbsp;)
&That's one fifth
Do not understand welcome you to continue to ask!

There are 1 / 5 more people in class 61 than in class 62, 1 / 4 more men than women in class 61, and 1 / 8 less women than men in class 62?

If there are X students in class 62, then class 61 is (1 + 1 / 5) x boys in class 61 (1 + 1 / 5) x divided by (1 + 1 / 4 + 1) (1 + 1 / 4) = 2 / 3x
Girls (1 + 1 / 5) x divided by (1 + 1 / 4 + 1) = 8 / 15x
Class 62 boys x divided by (1-1 / 8 + 1) = 8 / 15x girls x divided by (1-1 / 8 + 1) (1-1 / 8) = 7 / 15x

There were 48 students in a class, including 18 girls. Later, several girls were transferred. At this time, the ratio of girls to the whole class was 2:5. How many girls were transferred?

Answer: two
"There were 48 students, including 18 girls", indicating that there were 30 boys. "Later, there were several girls", indicating that the number of boys remained unchanged, or 30. "At this time, the ratio of girls to the whole class was 2:5", that is, the ratio of girls to boys was 2:3, so now there are 20 girls, that is, there are 2 girls

There are 48 students, including 18 girls. Later, how many girls are transferred to make girls account for 2 / 5 of the class?

The calculation method is very simple. There are 30 boys in this class, and the proportion of boys is 3 / 5 after transferring to girls. Then 50 students are needed in this class, because 50x (3 / 5) = 30, so only 2 girls need to be added. Think about it

There are 42 students in a class, and girls account for 3 / 7 of the total number of students in the class. Later, several girls are transferred. This is 1 / 2 of the total number of girls in the class. How many girls are transferred?

42x3 / 7 = 18, there were 18 girls
Set to turn to y girls
So we got six girls

There are 48 students in the sixth (second) office, including 18 girls. Later, several girls are transferred. At this time, the number of girls accounts for 40% of the total number of the class. How many girls are transferred?

2 / 3-3 / 5 = 1 / 15 30 * 1 / 15 = 2, so 2 people

The number of female students is 4 / 5 of that of male students. How much more are male students than female students?
Please use the formula to show the details,

25% is 1 / 4, and the ratio is followed by the unit "1", which corresponds to the denominator, that is, there are 4. If there are more boys, there will be 5. Conversely, the number of girls is several% less than that of boys, and the number of boys is unit "1", that is, there will be 5, and there will be 1 / 5 more

The number of girls is 45 times that of boys, and boys are more than girls______ %

(1-45) △ 45 = 15 △ 45 = 15 × 54 = 25%; answer: boys are 25% more than girls

There are 360 students in class 6 (1). The ratio of boys to girls is 5:4. How many percent more boys than girls in class 6 (1)?

A: there are 25% more boys than girls

The ratio of male and female students in class 61 is 5:6, so the number of male students is a fraction of the total number of the class, and the number of female students is ()% more than that of male students

Boys make up five fifths of the class
The algorithm is, (6-5) / 5 = 0.2
If you meet a few questions, you can assume that there are 5 boys and 6 girls. Or there are 5x boys and 6x girls