What is 6 out of 11 × 5 out of 4

What is 6 out of 11 × 5 out of 4


What is minus 36 plus 1 / 36

Minus 36 plus 1 / 36 is - 35 and 35 / 36

A fraction plus a fraction plus a fraction is 17 out of 36, please

I think you're asking how much one plus how much one plus how much one equals seventeen of thirty-six
One fourth plus one sixth plus one eighteenth

What fraction of a decimeter is 5 cm? What fraction of a decimeter is 5 cm

=½ decimeter = 0.5 decimeter

2:48 = fraction of time 125 kg = fraction of ton 1650 ml = fraction of liter 135 decimeter = fraction of meter

2:48 = 5:14:125 kg = 8:1 ton 1650 ml = 20:33 l 135 decimeter = 2:27 M

Tan40 degrees tan80 degrees - (radical 3) / 3 (tan40 degrees + tan80 degrees) =?

Because (tan40 + tan80) / (1-tan40 + tan80) = Tan (40 + 80) = tan120 = - tan60 = - radical 3,
So we get tan40 degree, tan80 degree - (radical 3) / 3 (tan40 degree + tan80 degree) = 1

The solution process of COS (- 20 °) + cos 140 ° + cos 100 ° = 0 is

=0 = right

Proof of [3 / (sin140) ^ 2-1 / (cos140) ^ 2] X1 / 2sin10 = 16
140 and 10 are degrees

Let 140 = 60 + 80, sin10 = cos80, so that the formula can be changed into a formula containing only sin80 and cos80. In fact, it is changed into 4 * (1 / cos80 root 3 / sin80), then 4 * (1 / sin10 root 3 / cos10), and the formula becomes 4 * 4 (0.5 cos10 root 3 * sin10) / sin20 = 16

Find the value of [(3 / (sin140) ^ 2) - (1 / (cos140) ^ 2)] * [1 / (2sin10)] (angle system, ^ = power)

Original formula = [(3 / (sin40) ^ 2) - (1 / (cos40) ^ 2)] * [1 / (2sin10)]
= 2 * [3 (cos40) ^ 2 - (sin40) ^ 2] / [(sin80) ^ 2 * sin10] (Note: 2sin40cos40 = sin80)
(the answer is 16. You can only input 100 words, but you can't write it down. You can answer a question and try to answer it again.)

The correct expression of the following angle is ()
A. 2kπ+45°(k∈Z)B. k•360°+94π(k∈Z)C. k•360°-315°(k∈Z)D. kπ+5π4(k∈Z)

The same angle as the terminal edge of 9 π 4 can be written as 2K π + 94 π (K ∈ z), but the angle system and radian system can not be mixed, so only the answer c is correct