1 / 4 of 3 meters is equal to 1 meter?

1 / 4 of 3 meters is equal to 1 meter?

1 / 4 of 3M = 0.75m
That's 3 / 4 of a meter. That's four-thirds of a Mira~

How many kilograms is seven tenths of a ton?

7 / 10 t = 700 kg

240 hectares = several parts of a square kilometer

1 ha = 0.01 km2
240 ha = 2.4 sq km = 2.5 sq km

Five eighths of Xiaofang's bookcases are storybooks, and half of storybooks are fairy tales. What percentage of all the books are fairy tales
Make a list of the formulas


A batch of science and technology books were equally distributed to class 51 and class 52. Class 51 read 3 / 4 of the science and technology books assigned to this class, and class 51 read a few of these science and technology books

Class 51 assigned to this batch of science and technology books: 1 △ 2 = 1 / 2
Class 51: 1 / 2x3 / 4 = 3 / 8
A: class 51 read 3 / 8 of these science and technology books
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If my answer is helpful to you, I hope you can adopt it. Thank you!
Finally, I wish you progress in your study!

Mao Mao read a 53 page book and has read 16 pages. How many parts of the book did Mao Mao read? How many parts of the book are left?

I hope you can understand it. It's the line between numerator and denominator

There are 12 books, which are distributed to 3 students on average. Each book is a fraction of the total number of books, and each person gets a fraction of the total number of books
How many books does each student share
If four students are divided equally, what percentage of the total number of books will each get

One twelfth; one fourth; one third

There are 99 students in the two classes of grade five. The number of students in class five (1) is 1.2 times that of class five (2). How many students are there in each class?

If the number of class 5 (2) is x, then the number of class 5 (1) is 1.2x, x + 1.2x = 99, & nbsp; 2.2x = 99, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 45, 45 × 1.2 = 54; a: there are 45 people in class 5 (2) and 54 people in class 5 (1)

The number of class 51 is five sixths that of class 52, and the sum of them is twice that of class 53. There are 60 people in class 52. How many people are there in classes 51 and 53?
We need formula and process

Number of class 51 = 5 / 6 × 60 = 50
The number of class 5-3 = (50 + 60) △ 2 = 55

The number of class 51 in Hongxing primary school is 1 / 5 more than that of class 52, and the number of class 52 is 6 less than that of class 51. How many are there in class 51 and class 52?

Suppose class 52 is x, then class 51 is 6 / 5x,
Then x = 30
There are 36 people in class 51 and 30 people in class 52