How many grams is 800 ml water? How many grams is 800 ml oil? How to convert?

How many grams is 800 ml water? How many grams is 800 ml oil? How to convert?

800 ml = 800 CC
The density of water is 1g / cm & sup3; and that of oil is 0.8g/cm & sup3;
According to mass = density * volume
800 * 1 = 800 (g) 800 * 0.8 = 640 (g)
So 800 ml of water equals 800 grams; 800 ml of oil equals 640 grams

How many milliliters is 1 jin? What is 1:5000? How many jin is 1 gram of potassium permanganate with 5000 milliliters of water,

One jin of water is 500 grams, 5000 ml of water is 10 jin of water

How many grams is 50 ml water?

50 ml water is 0.05 L, 0.05 kg is equal to 50 G