The three cakes are divided equally among five people. How many parts of three cakes each? How many parts of one cake each? If everyone gets 3 / 5 of three cakes, can it be understood that everyone gets 3 * 3 / 5 = 9 / 5?

The three cakes are divided equally among five people. How many parts of three cakes each? How many parts of one cake each? If everyone gets 3 / 5 of three cakes, can it be understood that everyone gets 3 * 3 / 5 = 9 / 5?

The three cakes are divided equally among five people. How many parts of three cakes each? How many parts of one cake each?
3 △ 5 = 3 / 5, each person gets 1 / 5 of three pieces and 3 / 5 of one piece

Divide a cake into four pieces, how many parts of each piece? Three of them are () pieces, how many parts of writing?

Each piece is 1 / 4, of which 3 pieces are 3 / 4 and writing 3 / 4

Divide a cake into four parts, each part is a fraction of it, three of them are a fraction of it, and how much is writing?

Each piece is a quarter. Three of them are three quarters, and writing is three quarters

A pile of 120 tons of goods, used 45 tons, used a few percent of the total? What percentage of the total is left?

45 △ 120 = 381-38 = 58 A: 38% of the total is used, and 58% of the total is left

Xiao Jun and Xiao Ming read the same book. It took 30 days for Xiao Jun and 25 days for Xiao Ming. They read each other for five days. How much did they read each?
Don't write equations or anything

Xiaojun: 5 / 30 = 1 / 6
Xiao Ming: 5 / 25 = 1 / 5

Mother bought a watermelon and cut 1 / 4 of it for Xiaohong. Xiaohong ate 1 / 2 of it, and how much of the whole watermelon did Xiaohong eat?

She ate half of the fourth watermelon, so she ate one eighth of the whole watermelon

Xiaoming, Xiaojun, Xiaofang and Xiaohong make a thousand paper cranes together. Xiaoming makes 7 / 13 of the others, Xiaojun makes 1 / 3 of the others, Xiaofang makes 11 / 29 of the others, and Xiaohong makes 15. How many thousand paper cranes have they made?

What Xiao Ming did accounted for 7 / (7 + 13) = 7 / 20 of the total number of four people;
1 / (1 + 3) = 1 / 4 of the total;
Xiaofang made 11 / (11 + 29) = 11 / 40 of the four;
So, what Xiao Hong did accounted for 1-7 / 20-1 / 4-11 / 40 = 1 / 8 of the total number of four people
Total number = 15 △ 1 / 8 = 120
A: they made 120 thousand paper cranes

Xiaoming, Xiaojun, Xiaofang and Xiaohong make a thousand paper cranes together. Xiaoming makes only 7 / 13 of the other three. Xiaojun makes the other three
【1】 Answer the question clearly
【2】 Write the formula clearly. Don't analyze it. Just write the formula clearly!

Let Xiao Ming do X, Xiao Jun do y, and Xiao Fang do Z. list the equations
The result is: x = 720, y = 300, z = 30
So they made x + y + Z = 720 + 300 + 30 + 150 = 1200

If we know α∈ (0 π / 4) β∈ (0 π) and Tan (α - β) = 1 / 2, Tan β = - 1 / 7, we can find 2 α - β

Tan (a-b) = [Tan (a) - Tan (b)] / [1 + Tan (a) Tan (b)], from Tan (α - β) = 1 / 2, Tan β = - 1 / 7, Tan α = 1 / 3, and Tan (2 α - β) = Tan (α + α - β) = [Tan α + Tan (α - β)] / (1-tan α Tan (α - β)) = 1, according to the known condition α∈ (0 π / 4) β∈ (0 π), we can know that 2 α - β = - 135 degree

Given Tan α = 17, Tan β = 13, find the value of Tan (α + 2 β)
