How much is 0.5 times 1

How much is 0.5 times 1


What is 0 divided by 1?


How much is 0.776


Why is 0 equal to 1?

It's just a rule
We know n! = 1 * 2 * 3 *... * n
C (n, n) = 1, on the other hand, C (n, n) = n! / (0! * n!) = 1 / 0!
In order to make the above equation consistent with the previous result, it is reasonable to define 0! = 1

Why is 1 + 1 equal to 0?

Answer 1 + 1 = 10 in binary system

And 1! Equal to 0, why? How equal to 0?

1! = 1 where did you come from 1! = 0

How many days? How many hours? How many minutes? How many seconds?
If you know the answer, please write down your answer formula. I will add points
231 days 11 hours 41 minutes 55 seconds
One minute equals 60 seconds, one hour equals 3600 seconds, 24 hours equals 86400 seconds
2000515 / 86400 = 231..... 4874421 days
(2000515-231 * 86400) / 3600 = 11... 6986111 hours
20000515 - (86400 * 231 + 11 * 3600)) / 60 = 41.916667 minutes
(20000515 - (86400 * 231 + 11 * 3600 + 41 * 60)) = 55 seconds

20000515 divided by 60 to get the remainder, this is the number of seconds, and then divide the integral part by 60 to get the remainder, this is the number of minutes, and then divide the integral part by 24 to get the remainder, this is the number of hours, the integral part is the number of days. The steps are as follows: 20000515 / 60 = 333341 + 55333341 / 60 = 5555 + 415555 / 24 = 231 + 11, that is 20000515 seconds = 231

How many seconds is three hours

3 × 60 × 60 = 10800 seconds

How many hours is 700000 seconds?

18000 seconds is equal to several minutes; equal to several degrees (angle conversion)

18000 seconds
=300 points
=5 degrees
(angle conversion)