15 divided by 32 and 96 × 99 divided by 88=

15 divided by 32 and 96 × 99 divided by 88=

15/32 +69*99/88 =15/32 +69*9/8 = 15/32 +69*(9*4)/(8*4)=(15+69*36)32= 2499/32

How much is 4 out of 9 plus 1 out of 16 plus 15 out of 16 plus 5 out of 9

2 out of 15 plus 1 out of 5 is equal to?

One third

Three fifths to one sixth is the ratio of X to one third

So x = 1.2

What's seven thirds by seven fifths

49 out of 15

How can three five and a two be equal to 27


Simple calculation process of 27 × 4 / 5 + 27 △ 5

27 × four fifths + 27 △ 5
=27 × 4 / 5 + 27 × 1 / 5

How much is 6.4 △ four fifths + 1.25 × three and three fifths,


What's one and a half plus two and a half plus three and a half plus four and a half

The sum of the integral part is 10, the sum of the fractional part is 2, and the result is 12

The equation is formulated according to the following conditions: (1) four fifths of the sum of Y and - 2 is equal to three times of it
(2) 40% of a number x is one third less than one third of its opposite

(1) four fifths of the sum of Y and - 2 is equal to three times of it
[y + (- 2)] × 4 / 5 = 3Y
(2) 40% of a number x is one third less than one third of its opposite