Symbols for substance (1) For example, the chemical formula of hydrogen chloride is: HCl, sodium chloride: NaCl. There are no numbers for everything. Why The chemical formula of sodium oxide is: Na2O, and 2 is still in front of O instead of NaO2, so it is sodium superoxide If it's wrong, what's wrong with Nao? "Valence means that when elements combine with each other, the number ratio of reactant atoms is always fixed"

Symbols for substance (1) For example, the chemical formula of hydrogen chloride is: HCl, sodium chloride: NaCl. There are no numbers for everything. Why The chemical formula of sodium oxide is: Na2O, and 2 is still in front of O instead of NaO2, so it is sodium superoxide If it's wrong, what's wrong with Nao? "Valence means that when elements combine with each other, the number ratio of reactant atoms is always fixed"

The chemical formula represents the number of atoms of the elements contained in a molecule
Na2O, 2 after Na means that a sodium oxide molecule contains one oxygen atom and two sodium atoms. If it is NaO2, it means that a molecule contains two oxygen atoms and two sodium atoms
In short, numbers are related to the composition of molecules
"The combination value is that when the elements combine with each other, the number ratio of the reactant atoms is always fixed." it means that the charge carried by the atom after gaining and losing electrons is fixed, and the substance wants to reach a stable state, so when combining, the number ratio of the reactant atoms is fixed

How much standard coal is used for one kilowatt hour electricity?

1 degree (KWH) = 3600000 joules, and the definition of standard coal is: any amount of fuel that can generate 29.27mj heat (low level) is converted into 1kg standard coal. In this way, we can calculate theoretically (that is, under the condition of complete energy conversion) how much electricity can be generated by one kilogram of standard coal
According to the data provided by the national development and Reform Commission, the average coal consumption per kilowatt hour of power supply in thermal power plants will be reduced from 392g standard coal in 2000 to 360g standard coal, and it will reach 320G standard coal in 2020. That is to say, one kilogram of standard coal can generate 3000 watt hours of electricity
On the other hand, it's about 1 / 3 kg

How much electricity is 5000 tons of standard coal equivalent to

1229% standard coal per kilowatt hour, 5000 tons of standard coal = 40683.4 kilowatt hour

How many kwh is one ton of standard coal equivalent to?

1 kwh = 1000 W × 3600 coke = 3600 kJ = 0.123kg standard coal
1 ton of standard coal = 8130 degree

How many tons of standard coal is 100 kwh?

In theory, the standard calorific value of 1kW / h = 1000W * 3600s = 3600000j 1g standard coal is 7000 kcal = 4.1816 * 7000 = 29271j 1t = 1000kg = 29271 * 1000 * 1000 = 29271000000j, the power generated by one ton of standard coal is 29271000000 / 3600000 = 8130kw / h, and the standard coal tons used for one-time power generation are

How much electricity is a ton of standard coal equivalent to

If the energy of one kilogram of standard coal is released completely in a very short time, the power can be very large, that is, it can reach many kilowatts. On the contrary, if the energy of one kilogram of standard coal is released in a very long time, the power will be very small, which can be zero kilowatts! The unit of energy is kilowatt hour

What is 20000 MAH equivalent to?

The 20000 Ma power bank is estimated to be 18000 Ma when it is fully charged. The battery itself consumes electricity or something. According to 80% charging efficiency, it can fill 8 1420 MAH batteries! Mine is 2000 Ma, which can charge 85

How many kwh is a "kwh"?

KWh means kilowatt hour (k is thousand, W is Watt, h is hour). A "kwh" is commonly known as "one degree of electricity"
Its origin is as follows: electricity consumption (KWH) = power (kw) × time (H)
If the power of an electric appliance is 1kW and the power consumption time is one hour (H), then its power consumption is 1kwh, which is commonly known as "one degree of electricity"

How much kwh is 396000 joules

3600000J =1KWH
Equal to 0.11kwh
Believe me, they are wrong. I just learned it

How many kwh is 10000 kwh equal to

Who can tell me how many times a W is one?