How many hours or days is 1000 minutes?

How many hours or days is 1000 minutes?

1 day = 24 hours = 1440 minutes, so less than 1 day
1 hour = 60 minutes, so 1000 △ 60 = 16 hours and 40 minutes

How many hours is 4 hours and 55 minutes? Is it 4.55 hours

No, it should be 55 / 60 = 11 / 12
So four hours and 55 minutes is 11 hours out of four and 12

How many hours is 4 hours 35 minutes

4.6 hours

How many meters is five feet four

Five feet four equals one and a half meters

How much is 1.5 meters, how many decimeters is inside, how many centimeters is 1.4 meters, how many decimeters is inside


How many meters is four decimeters?


How much is 7 Jiao? How much is 4-5 meters? How much is 5-12 minutes


1+2+3+4+5+…… +What is 36669?


(1 - (1 / 5 + 1 / 7.5) × 2) / (1 / 7.5) how much

= (1-(3/15+2/15)×2)÷(2/15)

5 yuan, 6 jiao, 7 Fen plus 4 yuan, 9 Jiao is equal to a few yuan

10 yuan and fifty-seven cents