How many milliseconds does one second equal? 100 or 1000? It depends on It's 100 milliseconds

How many milliseconds does one second equal? 100 or 1000? It depends on It's 100 milliseconds

One second = 1000 milliseconds = 1000 microseconds = 1000 nanoseconds

How many seconds is 100 milliseconds?

1 second = 1000 milliseconds (MS) 1 millisecond = 1 / 1000 seconds (s) 1 second = 1000000 microseconds (μ s) 1 microseconds = 1 / 1000000 seconds (s) 1 second = 1000000000 nanoseconds (NS) 1 nanoseconds = 1 / 1000000000 seconds (s) 1 second = 1000000000 picoseconds (PS) 1 picoseconds = 1 / 100000000000000 seconds (s)

Talk about your understanding of the value of a year, a month, a week, an hour, a minute, a second, a millisecond
To be a little more, focus on the value!

One year, 365 days
One month, 30 days
One week, seven days
One hour, 60 minutes
One minute, 60 seconds
A second, an action or a picture

How did cosa / (Sina + sin3a) = cosa / (2Sin (2a) COSA) come from

Using sum difference product formula:
The formula derivation (in this problem) is based on sin (3a) + Sina = sin (2a + a) + sin (2a-a) = 2sin2acosa;

Given Sina + 3cosa = 0, then 2Sin square a + 5sinacosa-7cos square a
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2Sin ^ a-cos ^ A + Sina * cosa-6sina + 3cosa = 0
How to solve this formula? It is to change it into the form of two products, such as a * b = 0?

2sin^a-cos^a+sina*cosa-6sina+3cosa=0(2sina-cosa)(sina+cosa)-3(2sina-cosa)=0(2sina-cosa)(sina+cosa-3)=0 (2sina-cosa)[√2(√2/2sina+√2/2cosa)-3]=0 (2sina-cosa)[√2(sinacosπ/4+cosasinaπ/4)-3]=0 (2sina...

How is Sina + - √ 3cosa = 2Sin (a + - π / 3) deduced,

Divide the two sides by two at the same time, and turn the left half and the left half root sign three into sin30 and cos30 respectively. Then, it's a basic trigonometric formula

Sina ^ 2 = - 2cosa, find a
I've been calculating a = 0 for a long time, but it's not right,

Because cosa's 1
So cosa = 1 - √ (2)

How to find (1 / 2) Sina = 2-2cosa

Square of both sides, 4 (COSA) ^ 2 = {2 - (1 / 2) Sina} ^ 2
Solve the quadratic equation of one variable
Or Sina = 8 / 17

The inequality Sina > 1 / 2 is used to find the range of A

(30 ° and 150 °) because it is a positive value, it is in the first and second quadrants
a ∈ ( π/6 +2kπ ,5π/6 +2kπ ) k∈n