How many minutes is six hours and 40 minutes?

How many minutes is six hours and 40 minutes?

6 × 60 + 40 = 400 minutes

Five and nine out of five plus four and nine out of four equals

5 5/9+4 4/9 = 5+4+5/9+4/9 = 9+1 =10

What is one degree Fahrenheit equal to?

The conversion relationship between centigrade temperature (℃) and Fahrenheit temperature (f) is as follows:
F = 9 / 5 ℃ + 32, or ℃ = 5 / 9 (f-32)

-Is the absolute value of the cube of 2 the same as the absolute value of the cube of 2?

It's all 8

-Absolute value of 3 / 2

Definition of absolute value: the absolute value of positive number and 0 equals itself, and the absolute value of negative number equals its opposite number
So the answer is:

How many hours is a minute

1 / 60 hour

How many hours is a minute?

One in sixty

How many hours is thirty minutes

Thirty minutes equals 30 / 60 = 0.5 hours

How many hours is three hours and thirty minutes

3.5 hours

How many hours is 4:30

4:30 is 4.5 hours