Dingding calculated a number divided by 2.4, carelessly calculated a number multiplied by 2.4, the result is 144

Dingding calculated a number divided by 2.4, carelessly calculated a number multiplied by 2.4, the result is 144

Correct result = 144 △ 2.4 △ 2.4 = 25

When he calculated a number divided by 3.6, he carelessly multiplied it by 3.6 and got the result of 3.24

0.9 divided by 3.6 = 0.25

Given that 2n power of a = 3, find 2n power of (3N power of a) times (square of a)

3 times the 2nth power of (A's Square)

Ask a math problem: the 3N + 1 power of X multiplied by x plus the N + 1 power of 3x multiplied by the 2n + 1 power of X, please!
It's a problem in multiplication of the same base power!

The meaning of your question is a little unclear. It's better to add a comma in one place of the question, but I'll write it to you according to my own understanding: the original question = x ^ (3 * n + 1) * x + (3x) ^ (n + 1) * x ^ (2n + 1) '"^" means several powers, for example, x ^ 2 means the second power of X, = x ^ (3 * n + 2) + 3 ^ (n +!) * x ^ (3 * n + 2) "

What is the diameter of the molecule? How many molecules are equal to 1 nm?

The order of molecular diameter is 1 angstrom, 1 angstrom = 10 ^ - 10 m,
1nm = 10 ^ - 9m,
So about 10 molecules are arranged in a straight line, and the length is about 1 nm

1MN = [] m, general molecular diameter [] (fill in 'greater than' or 'less than'} 1nm

10 meters

How many centimeters is 1 nm

One nm is equal to 0.000000 1 cm

1 DM, 1 cm, 1 mm, 1 um (micron), 1 nm
Are they minus one meter of ten, minus two meters of ten, minus three meters of ten, minus six meters of ten and minus nine meters of ten

Lou Lou is right

What unit of length does DM represent in mathematics?


What unit of length does DM represent in mathematics?
