All real numbers can be represented by points on the number axis. Conversely, all points on the number axis represent real numbers

All real numbers can be represented by points on the number axis. Conversely, all points on the number axis represent real numbers

That's right
Just looked up the "real number" entry, there is a sentence "mathematically, real number is directly defined as the number corresponding to the point on the number axis."

On the number axis, the order from left to right is the order from small to large______ .

The order from left to right on the number axis is the order from small to large

The rational number - 2011, 0, 0.001 is represented on the number axis, and the order from left to right is, in which the smallest number is

The rational number - 2011, 0, 0.001 is represented on the number axis. The order from left to right is from small to large, and the smallest number is - 2011

On the number axis, the number on the right is larger than that on the left ()
What is a number axis

The number axis defines the origin. The straight line in the positive direction and unit length is called the number axis. All rational numbers can be represented by the points on the number axis. The number axis can also be used to compare the size of two real numbers. 1) the point on the ray in the positive direction from the origin corresponds to a positive number, and the ray in the opposite direction

If the rational number m > N, on the number axis, the point m represents the number m and the point n represents the number n, then ()
A. Point m is on the right side of point n. B. point m is on the left side of point n. C. point m is on the right side of the origin, and point n is on the left side of the origin. D. both point m and point n are on the right side of the origin

Because m > n, we know that their corresponding point m is on the right side of point n by combining with the number axis

The position of the rational number ABC on the number axis is shown in the figure
Simplification: | A-B | - | C-A | - | C-B|
The ashes are often urgent
Figure: --- C --- 0 -------- B --- a --- >

According to the graph to determine the absolute value size and sign, can be simplified
=(a - b) - (a - c) - (b - c)
= a - b - a + c - b + c
= -2b + 2c

The corresponding points of rational number ABC on the number axis are simplified as shown in the graph

Because a < B, so A-B < 0, so A-B = - (a-b) = b-a
Because b > C, B-C is greater than 0, so │ B-C = b-c
Because a < C < 0, according to the rule of rational number addition, a + C < 0, so │ a + C = - (a + C) = - a-c
The result is 3c-b

Two gerunds are juxtaposed as subjects. Is the predicate simple three? Why?

It depends on the situation
Two (or more) gerunds or infinitives connected by and are used as subjects. If the meaning of the coordinate gerunds or infinitives is the same or similar, the predicate is singular; if the meaning is inconsistent, the predicate is plural
Lying and stealing are not right.
To love and to be loved is sweet to me.
Weeping and wailing does nothing towards solving the problem.
Reading Ibsen and solving maths problems are different assignments

As for gerund as subject, is or are used as predicate
Playing computer games as the subject predicate is or are
Are games plural

I'm the one you started to ask for help. It's my honor to answer for you. After reading your questions and your questioning of other respondents, I don't think you know much about the grammar of "gerund as subject". Gerund as subject, as the name suggests, is the subject in the form of "Verb + ing", and games is game

Isn't the predicate verb singular when the gerund is the subject?
But the predicate of this sentence is plural. What's the matter?

Mends is the singular third person form of the predicate, not the plural