When the subject clause guided by what is used as the subject, the number of predicates is determined by the following predicative or object. Shouldn't it be determined by the singular and plural of the preceding subject clause?

When the subject clause guided by what is used as the subject, the number of predicates is determined by the following predicative or object. Shouldn't it be determined by the singular and plural of the preceding subject clause?

What can't lead to the subject clause? I'm impressed

What can be used as the subject clause?
What is revealed in the chart reflect the great changes.
Is this a subject clause? If so, what does it do?

What is the subject of the clause
What can be subject, object, predicative, attributive, etc

German singular plural nouns
Das land variable complex number die lerd die mutter variable die mtter der Vater variable die vter Das Hans variable die hers whether the upper variable complex number is correct, if not, please point out

die Lä nder.die Mü tter.die In moral education, Hans is the name. You should hit Haus ------ H & ä user

Life plural
Is the plural of life live?

It should be lives

On the plural of life
Life care for "life" when there is a plural
There should be
I have seen such two sentences
Throughout their school life,Americans learn to play many sports.
Knowing how to make such choices is a "life skill" ,and we need the skill if we want to lead useful and happy lives.
Life in these two sentences should mean life. Why use the plural one and not the other
Many people say that when life is spoken, there is no plural. But from the second sentence, it has plural
Can anyone help me?

He leads a happy life, for example, he leads a happy life

When is life singular and plural

When we talk about life, we can't count it. When we talk about life, we can count it

When is life singular and plural?

They have a very tough life
He saved many lives

The plural of art. (art is a countable + uncountable noun.)

1. Art is an uncountable noun, which means art, painting, art, art works exhibition. 2. Arts is also a subject of Humanities and liberal arts. 3. Art is a countable noun, which means technology and skill

How do words ending in 0 become plural

There are two kinds, one is black Negro hero hero hero potato tomato tomato tomato with - es, the other is other like photo Piano Radio with - S

Which plural forms of nouns ending with consonant letter + O add s and which add es?
I don't know which plural nouns ending with consonant letter + O should be added with S? Which ones should be added with es? What kind of fixed words can be added?

For example:
hero - heroes
potato - potataes
A few plus-s are fixed, irregular and need to be memorized
photo - photos
piano - pianos
radio - radios