Why is photo plural phontos According to the grammar book, when the consonant letter is added with O, the plural form is added with ES or s (what's the situation? What's the situation? How to judge when doing the questions) and when the vowel letter is added with O, the plural form is directly added with S. in this way, photo is the consonant letter "t" plus O. according to the grammar, ES or s should be added. When is es added, If the plural of photo is photos and I did a question, the answer is that the plural of photo is photos You just tell me if the answer is an abbreviation with S

Why is photo plural phontos According to the grammar book, when the consonant letter is added with O, the plural form is added with ES or s (what's the situation? What's the situation? How to judge when doing the questions) and when the vowel letter is added with O, the plural form is directly added with S. in this way, photo is the consonant letter "t" plus O. according to the grammar, ES or s should be added. When is es added, If the plural of photo is photos and I did a question, the answer is that the plural of photo is photos You just tell me if the answer is an abbreviation with S

Photos, because it's an abbreviation. Abbreviated words ending in oz become plural and add s directly
For example: Radio, auto

How to use the singular and plural of the predicate verb?

None of the guests want to stay. None of the guests want to stay

Can the verb after "neither of them" be singular or plural?

When she is used as a subject or a part of the subject, the predicate should use the singular number, because it refers to "neither of them."

Each of the + noun (singular or plural) + be (singular or plural) e.g.: each of the student (s) is (are) very good

each of the students is very good

What's the matter with nouns as appositives

When two nouns have the same function, that is, the meaning of the latter is equal to that of the former, the former is called the appositive of the latter. The appositive can be a noun, pronoun, of phrase or clause. This is my friend, Harry Bennett.Little Giovanni's home is in the city of Rome.The ...

Whose appositive is "each" in the student have two pens each?

Each of these students has two pens

The tickets cost 10 dollars each?
The tickets each cost 10 dollars
What is the word "each" here?

The word each is not only an adjective, but also a pronoun and adverb. In the first sentence you provide, each is an adverb. In the second sentence, each is a pronoun

`Does both have an adverb part of speech? In the sentence they both enjoy reading, is both an adverb or a pronoun?

English [B & # 601; &# 650; θ] beauty [Bo θ]
Of two; both
And; and; both
Both sides; both sides
Both And
In this sentence, both should be adverbial to indicate scope

Can each be an appositive of an object? For example, I have two cats. I like them both

The meaning of each is not the same, the singular and plural are not the same

The plural form of you, the accusative case, the plural form of accusative case, the accusative case of it
One has to answer four words

you, you, you, it