The definition of the general present tense, the general future tense, the present progressive tense and the general past tense, the common predicate structure and the sentence patterns are listed

The definition of the general present tense, the general future tense, the present progressive tense and the general past tense, the common predicate structure and the sentence patterns are listed

Present tense
Usage: 1;
2. Current status;
3. Objective truth
When it comes to the third person singular, add the suffix - S (- es) to the action verb
Use the original form of the verb to say the sum
Sentence pattern: it is / they are / I am
General past tense
Usage: 1;
2. The state of being in the past
Construction: use the past tense of the verb
Sentence pattern: it was / they were / I was
future indefinite
Usage: 1;
2. The state of being in the future
Construction: 1. Auxiliary verb will (shall) + verb prototype / is / are + going to
Sentence pattern: ditto
present progressive
Usage: speech or current action
Form: AM / is / are + present participle of verb (i.e. verb ing form)
Sentence pattern: ditto

The passive voice construction and examples of the general present tense, the general past tense, the present perfect tense, the present continuous tense and the past continuous tense

Millie washes her clothes
Milie will wash her clothes tomorrow
Millie washed her clothes yesterday
Millie is washing her clothes now
Millie was washing her clothes this time yesterday
The clothes have been washed by Millie

The present continuous tense, the general future tense, the general past tense, the past perfect tense, the past continuous tense,

The house is being built right now
The desk is being repaired right now.
The paper will be done in next week
The math problem will be worked out soon
The pans were washed just now
The clothes were sold a moment ago.
The house has been built for a year
The article has already been pulished in the newspaper.
The letters were being written at this time yesterday
The meeting was being held at 4 o'clock yesterday.
Hope to help the landlord

The present continuous tense, the present perfect tense and the general future tense
We need it tomorrow

General present subject + verb, general past subject + verb past tense, present progressive subject + verb ing, present perfect subject + have + verb past participle, general future will + verb

Is 3 and 2 / 7 rational

The essence of irrational number is infinite non cyclic decimal. 7 and 3 / 2 are cyclic decimal. So 7 and 3 / 2 are rational numbers

Is five out of eleven rational

Yes, as long as it's a score

Rational number operation 33 and 3 / 11 + (minus 2.16) + 9 and 8 / 11 + (minus 3 and 21 / 25)
49 19 / 21 + (negative 78.21) + 27 2 / 21 + (negative 21.79)

33 3 / 11 + (minus 2.16) + 9 8 / 11 + (minus 3 21 / 25) = 33 3 / 11 + 9 8 / 11-2.16-3.84 = 43-6 = 37 49 19 / 21 + (minus 78.21) + 27 2 / 21 + (minus 21.79) = 49 19 / 21 + 27 2 / 21-78.21-21.79 = 77-100 = -

The basic concept of rational number
If a number is less than its absolute value, then the number?
A. Is a positive number B, is a negative number C, is zero D, sign uncertainty

Let this number be a, and let | a | > A according to the question
If a ≥ 0, | a | = a is in contradiction with the proposition
If a

Is it right to define rational numbers like this?
In a book, I saw that q = {P / Q | P belongs to integer, Q belongs to positive integer and P and Q are coprime}
Please explain!

Because rational numbers are the general name of integers and fractions, and integers can also be transformed into fractions, any rational number can be transformed into fractions, and Q cannot be 0 at the denominator position
As for it to write must be positive integers or integers, PQ and mutual quality, I really do not understand, these concepts or according to the back of the mathematics book is better, outside the tutorial book is not necessarily right

Definition of rational number

Infinite non cyclic decimal is called irrational number
Then the rest are rational numbers
Note: it's easy to regard infinite circular decimal as irrational number, but it's rational number