Past tense, present tense, general future tense, present continuous tense

Past tense, present tense, general future tense, present continuous tense

They went to Beijing.They Didn't go to Beijing English.They They are going to play football.They Are going to play football

Make eight sentences with the general past tense, the general present tense, the present continuous tense and the future tense, two for each, and then change them into negative sentences and general questions

I went shopping last week. He visited his aunt yesterday.
I am a girl. He has so much money!
I am watching TV. They are going swimming.
I will doing it right away. I will do my homework at the moment.

How to change a past tense English sentence into a general question, a negative sentence and a declarative sentence, and how to change a past tense negative sentence into a general question
We need to elaborate and give examples,
How to change English sentences into the past tense, we should also give examples. The more detailed we can, the better we can explain why we do it,

There are two basic situations
(1) She ate some apples
If you want to change it into a general question, you must answer it with yes / No
The predicate here is ate (verb), so the auxiliary verb (do) is advanced
Did she eat any apples? (any = some, any is used in interrogative and negative sentences) because there is a past auxiliary verb did in the front, the following eat uses the prototype
Past tense general question did + subject + verb prototype +
No matter how long the following sentences are, no matter how long they are copied directly, remember the following verbs and change the prototype~
she did not eat any apples
General question negative answer did not + subject + verb prototype +
(2) There were some flowers there be
There is something in a certain place
General questions answered with yes / no are called general questions
So bring the be verb were forward
were there some flowers?
Usually, when the sentence pattern "there be" is converted into a general question, you can copy the original sentence as long as you put "be" ahead of time~
be(was were)+there+…… (copy)
In negative sentences, just add not after the verb be
There were not any flowers
In a word, the general questions in the past tense are also in the past tense
There be(was/were)not…… to copy verbatim
P. S. a little information for your reference
Past tense: subject + verb past tense +
General questions: did + subject + verb prototype
Special question + did + subject +
(only for the first case)
Give you more examples
You are a student
You were a student
Are you a student
You were not a student
Chen: he can swim very well
He could swim very well
Can he swim very well
No: he could not swim very well
Chen: there are so many people
There were so many people
Q: were there so many people
No: there were not so many people
There is a tree here
There was a tree
Is there a tree here
There was no tree
She eats a lot
She ate a lot
Did she eat a lot
She did not eat a lot
He likes reading books (like + verb ing)
He likes reading books
Did he like reading books?
He did not like reading books
Well In fact, there are only two kinds of situations. As long as you understand these two kinds of conversion, the rest will be able to work slowly

1. On the number axis, the numbers with 5 length units from 0 are () and ()
About the cylinder!
2. The side of the cylinder is a ()

+5 and - 5
curved surface