How to say the passive voice of the present continuous tense in English

How to say the passive voice of the present continuous tense in English

The passive voice of present progressive.

The construction of the passive voice of the present continuous tense
I know it's am, is, are plus being done, but why to add being? What's the origin of being? I urgently need a concept of theoretical trial!

The passive voice is be done, the present continuous tense is be doing, the doing form of be is being, so it is being down

How to use the passive voice of English present continuous tense?
It's better to be like a teacher in class

The sports meeting is being held in our school. Another bridge is being built over the Changjiang River

The structure of passive voice in English
The structures of the passive voice in English are the present tense, the past tense, the present perfect tense and the future tense,

General present tense: subject + be (is / AM / are) + past participle + others
General past tense: subject + be (was / were) + past participle + others
General future tense: subject + will + be + past participle + others
The present continuous tense: subject + be (is / AM / are) + being + past participle + others
Past continuous tense: subject + be (was / were) + being + past participle + others
The present perfect tense: subject + have / has + be + past participle + other
Past perfect tense: subject + had + be + past participle + other
General past future tense: subject + would + be + past participle + others
With modals: subject + modals + be + past participle + others
Remember: the basic structure of the passive voice is "be + past participle". Just put this basic structure into the structure of each tense of the active voice like other phrases

Is the verb in the negative sentence of the general past tense interrogative sentence the general past tense or the verb prototype?

Did you arrive late for school?
I didn't arrive late for school.

Do verbs in English interrogative sentences need to be restored to their original forms

It depends on whether there are auxiliary verbs and modal verbs in the interrogative sentence. If there are any, they should appear in the original form of the verb

Are prototypes used in negative interrogative sentences regardless of whether the subject is a third person singular verb or not?

Yes, e.g. what doesn't he do his home?
Do use the original shape

Are prototypes used in negative sentences and interrogative sentences except be verbs or auxiliary verbs?

I didn't know when he came

The meaning of the general present tense, verb changes, negative sentences, general questions and special questions
I want to see it before the weekend!

Single three S + (E) s
That's all!

What are action verbs? How do sentences with action verbs change into negative sentences and interrogative sentences?

It can be divided into transitive verb and intransitive verb. It has complete meaning and can be used as predicate verb independently
A transitive verb is a notional verb that must be followed by an object