There is a box of milk on the table?

There is a box of milk on the table?

what's on the table?

There are four__ (box)of milk on the table.

There are four boxes(box)of milk on the table.
In the plural
And because it ends in X, it adds es
You can ask me again if you don't know

Would you like ____ milk?
A. with B.many C.any D.some


would you like some milk? have B.having C.have D.has

Would like to do something
Do you want to use some milk?

L would like a cut of milk?
What is his age? What is his age? What is his age? What is his age?

1 How much,would1 There will not any more expensive cars.2 Chalk is usually used by teachers to write on the blackboard.3( How old is ) he?4 What class ,in

would you like a drink of milk?
This is the source of my confusion
Questions and answers for English I (1) (units 3-4)
Cui song, School of foreign languages, Central Radio and TV University
2. There is a phrase in Unit3 activity4: a drink of milk
What drink means here is "a cup" and "a portion". Specifically, in your exercise, it is equivalent to a glass of milk. So why not use a glass of milk instead of a drink of milk? This is because a glass of milk is a specific expression, which clearly says a glass of milk, and a drink of milk Milk avoids talking about milk containers. No matter you use paper cups or plastic cups, you can just say a drink of milk

Like a drink of = have a drink of
When "drink" is used as a noun, it really means "drink or drink"

When the uncountable noun, bread, is a loaf of bread, if it becomes plural, how should it be changed
If the front is any, how should it change

When the quantifier loaf becomes plural loads, the uncountable noun "bread" has no plural
Two loads of bread
any loaves fo bread

There is -----bread on the plate.a.a bottle of b .pieces of c.a loaf of d.many
Please ---your son with you when you come to the park next time.
a bring b take c get d hold
The cake doesn't taste nice,does it?
a Yes,it doesn't b,No,it doesn't
c No,it doesn't d N,it tastes nice
The music sounded ---
a beautifully b well
c wonderfully d great
Shall l bake a cake?
a No,you can't b No,you won't
c No,you needn't d No,you mustn't


were can l buy a loaf of bread?
Where is right!

Where can I buy a loaf of bread?

A loaf of bread?
Between LaOF and of. Can't hear of, is it swallowed?

It should be pronounced more like loadf