There is a little water in the glass

There is a little water in the glass

is there a little water in the glass
When a declarative sentence becomes a general interrogative sentence, just advance the am, is, are and copy the rest

milk is Mike glass of this for

This glass of milk is for Mike.
This glass of milk is for Mike

There is a glass of milk

There are some glasses of milk

There is a glass of milk in my hand

How much milk is there in your hand
If you don't understand, please take it in time. Thank you!

-Is the glass____ of milk?-____ ,it is empty.

-Is the glass (full) of milk?-(No),it is empty.
Is the glass full of milk? No, it's empty
Be full of, be full of. According to the answer, empty is the antonym of full

This table is made of _ .A.some glasses

b. Glass

this table is made of _____ a. Many glass b.glasses C.Some glasses tell me why

Glass, as glass, is an uncountable noun and cannot be modified with many
Glasses is wrong
You can only choose D

This table is of glass
Why can this table is made of glass be omitted? Why not use this table is made of glass

Be of is also a fixed collocation. With make, it should be OK

this table is made of()
many glass
some glasses

I'm glad to be able to answer your question here
Choose the last glass
Because glass is an uncountable noun, there is no plural,
If it's plural glasses, it means glasses, so the second and third are not right
Many can only modify countable nouns, so many glass is a wrong collocation
Translated as:
The table is made of glass

What is this table (making make makes) of

This is the passive voice