There is a cup of tea on the table The line is a cup of tea

There is a cup of tea on the table The line is a cup of tea

What is there on the table?

There is a cup of tea on the table

what is there on the table?

There__________ a cup of tea and too cakes on the table.A:are B:is C:am


The rules of English nouns changing into adjectives

Various ways of changing nouns into adjectives
In English, sometimes adding different prefixes or suffixes before or at the end of nouns can become adjectives, such as: sleep → sleep → sleepy, help → helpful, etc
1、 A noun plus - y forms an adjective
Rain → rain
Wind → windy
Cloud → cloud
Snow → snowy
Sun → sunny
[special reminder: don't forget to double write n]
Lucky → lucky
Noise → noisy
[special reminder: don't forget to remove e]
Health → health
2、 The noun plus - ful forms an adjective to express affirmation
Use (use) → useful (useful, beneficial)
Help → helpful
Harm → harmful
Forget → forget
Beauty → beautiful
[special reminder: don't forget to change - y into - I, and then add - ful]
Care → careful
Pain → pain
Wonder → wonderful
Color → colorful
Thank → thankful
3、 A noun with less forms an adjective to express negation
Use → useless
Care → careless
Harm → harmless
Help → helpless
4、 A noun plus - ly forms an adjective
Friend → friendly
Love → lovely
Month → monthly
Live → lively
Day → daily
5、 In some countries, the adjective "ese" is added after the name of the country In the United States
China → Chinese
Japan → Japanese
6、 Add - n to some nouns ending with vowels to form adjectives
Asia → Asian
American → American
Australia → Australian
7、 Add - ous after some nouns to form adjectives
Dangerous → dangerous
Fame → fame
[special reminder: don't forget to remove e]
8、 A noun plus - en forms an adjective
Wool → wool
Wood → wood
Gold → gold
9、 Add - an after some nouns ending with vowels to form adjectives
Europe → European
10、 Add - ish after some nouns to form adjectives
Fool → fool
Spain → Spanish

Nouns and adjectives about weather (in English),

Am clouds / PM sun cloudy in the morning / sunny in the afternoon am showers shower in the morning am snow showers shower in the morning am t-stories thunderstorm in the morning

What are the nouns and adjectives of weather in English,

sun sunny
wind windy
rain rainy
cloud cloudy
fog foggy
snow snowy

Can there be an adjective + Adjective + Noun Structure in English?

The adjective and the conjunction, the adjective and the noun

How do English Adjectives change into nouns?

Some nouns are followed by ed to change adjectives, such as: color -- colored + y, such as: rain -- ray + full, such as: Beauty -- Beautiful + less (use -- less) ly (love -- love) countries generally add ese or N + ous (dangerous)

English abbreviations, nouns, adjectives and so on
You can see it at a glance

Noun n
The verb v
Adverb adv
The preposition prep
Conjunctions conj
Pronoun pron
There seems to be no abbreviation for the article. Just remember that a, an, the is the article

What are the phrases or words for calling?

Call sb. / ring up / call up / give sb. A call / make a call!