She wants (half a pound of tea)

She wants (half a pound of tea)

How much tea does she want?

A half pound of tea and a half a pound of tea

All right

Half a pound of coffee. A quarter of a pound of tea
Why is there a in front of the second sentence but not the first

They are fixed collocations of different phrases
Half a XXX is: half XX;
A quarter of XX is: a quarter of XX
As long as you know, you can use it correctly!
English learning, like many other languages, focuses on the use and dare to express; in addition, a good oral environment is also an important factor to improve oral English. If you want to improve your oral English ability more quickly, you can consider taking part in some short-term overseas summer camp activities. In the winter and summer vacation, the activity cycle is short and the effect is obvious
EB yingbai is a good choice to participate in English summer camp activities. EB yingbai (Education bridge) is originated from London, UK, and has many years of successful operation experience. It is one of the few British overseas education consulting agencies whose headquarters originated in the UK rather than in China. EB is committed to helping Asian students to study, study and travel in the UK, and adheres to the belief of achieving brand with quality
EB yingbai's summer camp activities are mainly composed of three themes: short-term English courses + after-school short distance travel + sports entertainment and making friends. It is an ideal way to practice English and visit the UK. In two or three weeks, English level (especially oral English) can not only improve rapidly, but also make many friends all over the world
By the way, you can also get an authoritative certificate and a certificate of short-term language courses when you graduate, which is very helpful to apply for University, graduate, study abroad and employment in the future
I wish you a happy summer vacation and great harvest!

The usage, meaning and difference of English words
The usage and meaning of have, have't, have / have got, a / an!

Have, have't: what have you done, what haven't you done
I have finished my work.
I have’t finish my work.
Have / have got: have been used for me (we), you (we), has been used for her and him
A / an: a word that mostly uses a and begins with a, e, I, O, u after a is converted to an

Junior high school English words and phrases and usage

Can refer to the outline of junior high school entrance examination vocabulary, there are software

The difference between the usage of English words and phrases other others another the other
Thank you

Other is followed by a noun. For example, other students means another student
If it becomes others, you can omit the following students and represent another student according to the previous text
Ex: half of the students in our school like play football, while the other students (others) like pay basketball
Another means another than both
----Is this coat suitable?
----I'm afraid not. please give me another(coat).
It has a general meaning

Write down all the English words or phrases you know about death
The more, the better
It is said that there are more than a thousand versions

kick the bucket
somebody is six feet under

An English word or phrase for wearing


What are the English words or phrases for growth and decline

Increase, rise, grow, build-up, and some abstract ones. For example, develpe refers to development, which can also be extended to growth, strength development and growth
Descent, decrease, drop, fall, decline, downgrade

The difference between several English words and phrases~
There is also a word about ocean travel,
Phrase, that's right! That's all right! All right! OK
What are the English words for ocean travel?

That's all right! All right