Idioms or proverbs related to the Yellow River Thank you~

Idioms or proverbs related to the Yellow River Thank you~

Eighteen bends of the Yellow River
Never die before reaching the Yellow River
The Yellow River is rich with all kinds of harms
Jump to the Yellow River to wash
If you don't jump into the Yellow River, you will never die, if you don't hit the south wall, if you don't turn back, if you don't see the coffin, you will never die, if you don't see the coffin, you will never cry. If the Yellow River is rich in Ningxia, there will still be a day for the Yellow River to be clarified. How can we not have a good fortune, a clear yellow river, a sage and a hundred evils of the Yellow River, The richest is Wu Zhong
He qinghaiyan, Huang He Shuiqing, Huang He Qing, (analysis: 1. The Yellow River is turbid, the ancients used Huang He Shuiqing as a sign of auspiciousness. 2. It is a metaphor for rare and rare things), Jiuqu Yellow River, clear-cut, Li Shan Dai He, as soon as the river is clear, the mainstay

Proverbs commonly used in English composition

My favorite proverb
Please help me to write an English composition about proverbs. My favorite proverb. The best trouble is the English composition of CET-4 or above. After writing, please also write the translation

the corn always have two side
Everything has two sides