Conjunctions in English composition Please follow the order, for example: 1. First 2

Conjunctions in English composition Please follow the order, for example: 1. First 2

1. Indicate parallel and parallel relations
And both And both as well as, and as well = also = too
not… but… It's not It's neither Nor is not . No
that… but that… It's not because It's because not only But also not only . and
The drops of rain make a hole in the stone, not by violence, but by falling.
Dripping wears away the stone, not by effort, but by perseverance
But but howover yet else = otherwise = or otherwise
Love is all well in its way, but friendship is much higher
Or either or… Or Either while or not… It's It's not
With the help of the science and technology, glass can be made as hard as steel, or as soft as silk, or as light as paper, or as heavy as iron.
With the help of science and technology, glass can be made as hard as steel, as soft as silk, as light as paper and as heavy as iron
On one hand on the other hand
Similarly, similarly, instead (of)
Rather than on the contrary
The past belongs to wisdom, the present to action, while to joy the future.
Wisdom belongs to the past, so action is now, and joy belongs to the future
5. Progressive, supplementary and emphasis:
Besides = in addition = additionally
What's more
In the meantime = meanwhile especially
Particularly = in particular still
What's worse = still worse includes
Your courage especially your determination can lead to your success in time.
Your courage, especially your perseverance, will lead you to success in the end
6. Express causality:
So (there fore) therefore because (as, for) because for the reason that
As a result (of) result for fear that
Now that (since)
Don’t regret. Don’t complain. Even the sun has black sports. Therefore, it is impossible that there is no dissatisfaction on the world.
Don't sigh! Don't complain! Since the sun also has black spots, things in the world can't be without defects
7. Express concession relationship:
Although = though = while as = much = that
Even though
Of course
If you want to have more roses, you must plant trees. After all, it will never rain roses.
There is no pie in the sky. It's impossible to get something for nothing
8. Examples, explanations and explanations:
In other words, that is to say
That is (namely)
Such as for example = for instance
To think we are able is about to be so, in other words, to determine upon success is frequently success itself
9. Express the relationship between purpose and result
So that in order to
In order (not) to So as (not) to For (no)
We eat in order to live and we live in order not to eat.
We eat to live, but we don't live to eat
10. Summarize and comment:
In short = in brief
as above-mentioned… That's no wonder No wonder
That’s why… That is There's no double that without doubt
On the whole personally
In general = generally (speaking) strictly speaking
In the long run in a sense
it is obvious that=It’s clear that… As far as I know
Clearly = obviously as (it) is known As we all know
It is said that… It is said that It is reported that… It is reported that
It’s suggested that… It is suggested that It is hoped that… Some people hope that
It is thought that… Some people think that it is proved that… It has been proved that
Actually = in fact = as a matter of fact
To tell the truth = to be honest = honestly speaking
11. Conditions:
If only, if only, in case Just fine
Given that considering in that case
Provided (that) = providing (that) = on condition that = if
12. Time sequence:
At one time = once once once upon a time in (the) future
First = first of all first second then
After that next finally
For one thing first for another thing second before before
After in Then at last = in the end and finally in the past
In time = soon or later at present = now = nowadays
hardly...when… =no sooner… than… 1 Just then = just at that time
The moment = the minute = immediately = as soon as Just
We should also pay attention to the use of transitional words
1. Representing time
AF first
Next next
After that
soon/shortly after …… Soon after that
In the end
At last
Since then
After that
In no time
After a while
To begin / start with = in the first place
Immediately, immediately
Meanwhile = in the mean time = at the same time
Earlier, until now
Suddenly = all of a suddenly
As a young man When I was a young man
at the age of… In When I was 20 years old
As early as When I was young
As soon as Just
Before, the other day
Early in the morning
After / before dark
One day
One afternoon
One morning
2. Representing space
To the right / left
On the right / left
In the middle of
In front of
In the front of
At the back of
At the bottom of
On the edge of On the edge of the road
On top of Top of
Opposite to relative
Close to
Near to nearby
Next to and adjacent
Under vertical
Over vertical
Cross is in On the other side of the road
Against, against
Further on
3. Represents enumeration and timing
first, second, third… finally
firstly, secondly, thirdly… finally
first of all, next then, lastly
for one thing… for another…
at the same time
at first
at last
4. Denotes enumeration
For example
Namely means
For instance
That is (to say)
So as
take… Take for example For
5. To express a comparison or contrast
In the same way
Compared to comparison
Still = never the less
On the contrary
Different from Different
on (the) one hand… On the other hand on the other hand
In contrast with In contrast
6. Indicates a supplement
both… And not only and
not only… But also and
As well as and
In addition, and
In addition
Apart from outside
What's more
For another
Worse still = what's worse = to make matter worse
7. Express cause and effect
As a result of
Now that
There fore
That's how it is
As a result (of)
Because of = on account of
Thanks to
For this reason
If so
If not
8. Express purpose
for this purpose
in order to do
so as to do
so that…
in order that…
9. Give in
No matter + interrogative sentence
in spite of
even if/ even though
10. Expressing progression or emphasis
What's more
That's how it is
Above all
In fact / as a matter of fact
In other words
In that case
Or rather
11. It means turning point
Still, however
12. Express a summary
In a word
Generally speaking
In short = in a few words
In conclusion = last
On the whole = taking everything into consideration
There fore
That's how it is
As has been mentioned
It is quite clear that
There is no doubt that
It is well known that
as we all know=as is known
To us all
As / so far as I know
To sum up = to summarize = in summary
13. It's a turning point
By the way
I am afraid
In my opinion
To tell the truth
To be honest
In face

What are the conjunctions in English composition and what do they mean?
Need Chinese explanation