What is a vowel? How many are the vowels? Which are the vowels? Is r a vowel? Please answer according to the rules!

What is a vowel? How many are the vowels? Which are the vowels? Is r a vowel? Please answer according to the rules!

A vowel is the first letter to pronounce a vowel
There are five vowels: A, e, I, O, U
And R is a vowel in Czech, not in English

Why isn't r a vowel
Isn't it a
But the label is like this. Isn't a: = r a vowel

The difference between vowels and consonants: whether the air flow is blocked in the vocal organs
1. With or without hindrance; (consonant with hindrance, vowel without hindrance)
2. Tension; (partial tension of consonants, balanced tension of vowels)
3. Air flow intensity (consonant air flow intensity, vowel air flow intensity)
4. Loudness (small consonant, large vowel)
The tip of the tongue should be raised when pronouncing R. if you don't meet the above principles, you can try it yourself
Strictly speaking, the pronunciation of R is not a: but the second half of ear

a. E.r.i that's not a vowel?

R is not a vowel