When can the the in front of the superlative adjective be left When modifying a noun, the superlative of an adjective is usually preceded by "the" Under what special circumstances can we not add it?

When can the the in front of the superlative adjective be left When modifying a noun, the superlative of an adjective is usually preceded by "the" Under what special circumstances can we not add it?

The definite article is usually added before the superlative adjective, but it is not necessary in the following cases the:1. The Yellow River is the second longest riv

When to add the adjective before the superlative and when not to add the adjective

Generally, it should be added, but not under the following circumstances:
1. When there is a possessive pronoun before the superlative adjective, the
Wu Fen is my best friend
2. When the superlative adjective is used as a predicative in a sentence and the scope of comparison is not clear, the superlative adjective is not used
They are happiest on Saturdays.
They are happiest on Saturday
3. If the superlative of two adjectives modify the same noun side by side, the superlative of the second adjective is not preceded by the
He is the youngest and tallest boy in his class.
He is the youngest and tallest boy in the class
4. If the superlative adjective is used to strengthen the mood, when it means "very; very", it is not preceded by the. But when the superlative adjective is used as the attributive of a singular noun, the indefinite article a / an can be used
①That book is most interesting.
That book is very interesting
②It is a most beautiful picture.
It is a very beautiful picture
③She is a most beautiful girl.
She is a very beautiful girl
5. The superlative adjective used as an object complement is not preceded by the
I found it most difficult to get to sleep.
I find it most difficult to fall asleep
In some fixed usages, the superlative is usually omitted
①With best wishes for you.
Best wishes to you
②It's best to come to China at this time of year.
It's the best time to come to China

When can the before the superlative adjective be omitted?

In general, the suffix EST is added, but there are some exceptions, the most is added in front of it. In addition, we should pay attention to the following matters: 1 eg.This This is my busiest day