How to arrange the order of adjectives when multiple adjectives modify a noun Be more specific

How to arrange the order of adjectives when multiple adjectives modify a noun Be more specific

When two or more adjectives modify a noun, how should the adjectives be sorted? Why can't we say a black new pen, but a new black pen? Are there any rules to follow? If you remember opshacom, a word invented to help you remember, you can master the order of adjectives in English
In opshacom, Op stands for opinion, which refers to adjectives expressing people's opinions, such as beautiful, horrible, lovely, nice, etc
SH stands for shape, long, short, round, arrow, etc;
A stands for age, which means the adjectives of age, such as old, new, young, etc;
C stands for colour, which means adjectives of color, such as red, black, orange, etc;
O stands for origin, which refers to adjectives indicating nationality and region, such as British, Canadian, German, etc;
M stands for material, which refers to adjectives, such as plastic, metal, aluminum, etc
In English, these six types of adjectives are arranged in the above order
a nice long new black British plastic pen.
To put it simply: it's so beautiful, small and tall, and it's new, and its color and material are very close

What is the order in which multiple adjectives modify the same noun?

This is a homonym, the specific explanation is as follows: Draw: describe as beautiful, nice big: size as big, small line: shape (square, round, long, etc.) such as square, round, long Star: new or old (remember together) such as new, old

The order of adjectives modifying a noun in English

There are many ways to remember the order in which adjectives modify a noun. Among the many ways, the following formula is the most easy to remember
"Beautiful little circle, old yellow, French wooden study"
Note: each word represents its adjective attribute, and the order of pithy formula is the order of modification