How to use any some many much?

How to use any some many much?

Any is put in a question
Some is put in an affirmative sentence or a question asking for a positive answer
Can you give me some water?
Many plus countable plural
Many with uncountable nouns

Many is to modify countable nouns; much is to modify uncountable nouns; so what are any and some to modify

"Any" and "some" can modify both countable and uncountable nouns. In negative and interrogative sentences, "any" means "any, any" and suggests. In affirmative sentences, "some" means "some". But when expressing suggestions, rhetorical questions, requests (euphemistic) or expecting affirmative answers, some is often used instead of "any". For example, in sentences beginning with "would" and "may"

Can English uncountable nouns be used with some, many, much, any?

Some can be countable or uncountable
Many can only be countable
Many plus uncountable
Any can be countable or uncountable