Words that can follow gerund and infinitive For example: remember, forget After adding to do and doing, the meaning is different?

Words that can follow gerund and infinitive For example: remember, forget After adding to do and doing, the meaning is different?

stop regret mean try

Which verbs are followed by gerund in senior high school? Which verbs are followed by infinitive? The more you memorize, the more mixed. Is there any convenient and concise method or formula? Please help me to solve my puzzles. Students are not very grateful~

1. As long as you remember the homonym of the first letter of a few commonly used verbs, "psmeicafe" basically covers which verbs are followed by gerunds in high school
P-practice, pretend, prevent
S-suggest, stop
M-miss, mind
C-consider, can't help
A-advise, avoid
F-finish, fancy
E-escape, enjoy The fun of
2. Sometimes with infinitive, sometimes with gerund verbs, mainly remember the following words:
Remember / forget - to do
Try to do
Mean to do; doing
Regret - to do (sorry); doing (guilt)
Stop to do
Need / want to do
Begin / start – – to do
- [Note: the latter can not use verbs related to brain activities, such as know, learn, like, love]
Like / love to do
3. Most verbs need to follow infinitives without special memory

English: the difference between infinitive and Gerund after verb
On the difference between infinitive and Gerund after verb
1. The three verbs begin / start / continue are followed by: (a) to do; (b) doing
2. The three verbs like / love / prefer are followed by: (a) to do; (b) doing
3. Why add to do after would / should like / love
If you can answer the first one, just say the first one! Thank you!

The three verbs like / love / prefer are followed by: (a) to do; (b) doing. The difference is that doing is a frequent action
There's no reason to add to do after would / should like / love. Just remember