Verb phrases and collocations Like spread one wings Examples and explanation of examples

Verb phrases and collocations Like spread one wings Examples and explanation of examples

We hope college life will help him to spread his wings a bit

How to distinguish countable and uncountable nouns in English?

In the process of English learning, we often encounter such two grammatical terms as countable noun and uncountable noun. In fact, they are very simple problems, but many English teachers can't grasp the crux of them. They just give a general introduction of "can you count them?" and make a hasty conclusion

What are countable nouns and how to distinguish uncountable nouns?

You can feel it yourself
What can be counted are generally countable nouns
But remember something special
For example, some countable nouns do not add s
For example, fruits and vegetables generally do not add s
However, in special cases, s can be added when there are many kinds and abundance