The usage of some English words Xiaosheng would like to ask about the use of ~ don't doesn't, who and these words ~ and the ~ I always add the.

The usage of some English words Xiaosheng would like to ask about the use of ~ don't doesn't, who and these words ~ and the ~ I always add the.

I, we, they, youdoesn't. I, we, they, youdoesn't. I, we, they, youdoesn't

Usage of English words
_____ hard life people lived in the past!
A:What B:How
C:What a D:How a
Why C? What followed by an adverb? How + adjective
What a + adjective how a + Adverb

You can't look at the words "how" and "what" in isolation, which will lead you into a rigid state of thinking. What you need to figure out is what or how to modify. Here, what a hard life is based on life, so of course, you should use "what" for the name "life,
A:people lived a hard life in the past.-->
what a hard life people lived in the past!
B:people's life is hard in the past.-->
how hard people's life is in the past!

Usage of English words
I know that these are things and they are people. Can they describe things

My friends are playing football, and they want us to play too