On the poems about Confucius

On the poems about Confucius

According to the textual research of Confucius' life experience, the sixth generation ancestor of Confucius is Kong Fu Jia, a doctor of the Song Dynasty. He was a great Sima and was killed in the civil strife of the court. His son mujin's father fled to zouyi of the state of Lu in order to avoid the disaster. From then on, the Kong family settled in zouyi and became a native of the state of Lu

Praise Confucius
Less than 60 words and more than 50 words are OK. You must write by yourself

Confucius, the pioneer of civilian education, laid the foundation for thousands of years of feudal education. His Confucianism left a rare cultural heritage for later generations. His thoughts and theories had a profound impact on later generations

Praise Confucius' Poems
Original title, read_________ Write a poem praising Confucius, no less than 15 lines
Other celebrities will do, too

What is the master? He lived in the middle of a generation. The land is still in the city of Bing, and the house is the Royal Palace of Lu. He sighs whether the Phoenix is healthy or not. He is sad about the poor way. Today, when we look at the two couplets, we should be the same as when we dream. Liang Fu Yin (Li Bai) roars and Liang Fu Yin. When will spring come? You don't see the morning song. Tu sou says goodbye to Jijin