Words and sentences to describe cold It's not just idioms, 2-word words and so on. It's OK to describe cold or winter.

Words and sentences to describe cold It's not just idioms, 2-word words and so on. It's OK to describe cold or winter.

Last winter: the end of winter. Example: "last winter is over, spring is coming."
Early winter: the beginning of winter
Winter: the fourth quarter of a year, China's custom refers to the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring, also refers to the lunar calendar ten, eleven, twelve and other three months
Winter: winter. Note: winter also refers to the winter climate
Winter: winter
Cold winter: generally refers to the cold winter, such as "cold winter"
Li Dong: the third month of winter
Midwinter: the coldest stage of winter
Meng Dong: the first month of winter
Severe winter: a particularly cold season in winter
Midwinter: the second of winter
Snow: snow is very white. Snow is the scene of winter
Ice and snow: it describes ice and snow all over the world
Heavy snow: describes heavy snow
Dripping water makes ice: it's very cold
Cold wind: sharp, biting cold. Describe very cold
December: refers to the lunar calendar in October, November (winter), December (December), the cold weather season. Also known as "winter and December."
Count nine cold days: count nine, from the winter solstice, every nine days is a "Nine", counting from one "Nine" to nine "Nine"
It's very cold
North wind: the wind that leads to winter
Cold wind: a cold wind in winter
Shuofeng: north wind, indicating the wind in winter. It is often used in written language. For example: "in winter, Shuofeng calls, with bursts of snow and sand, beating people's cheeks."
Cold wind: a cold wind, usually in winter
Cold wind: cold wind. Also refers to political countercurrent a, such as "cold wind"
Headwind: an oncoming wind
Shun Feng: the wind blowing along the direction of people, cars and ships. It is also used as a congratulatory speech when friends leave for a long journey, such as "Bon Voyage"
Storm: fierce Phoenix
Gale: a strong wind
Storm: strong wind and often accompanied by heavy rain weather. Also used to describe a large and violent event or phenomenon
Gale: a sharp, violent wind
Wild wind: strong wind. Often used in written language
Gale: a violent wind
Gale: the same gale
Qiang Feng: a strong wind. For example: "when a strong wind comes, the sky is dark and the ground is dark. People on the road are blown upside down."
Breeze: a slight wind
Light wind: wind with weak wind force. Opposite to "strong wind"
Flying sand and walking stone: it describes a scene of fierce wind and fire. For example, "suddenly, the wind blows violently and the sky is dark. Flying sand and walking stone make passers-by hide their faces."
Words to describe cold (idiom + interpretation)
December: December of the lunar calendar. It refers to the coldest December in winter
Freezing cold: extreme cold. It's freezing and snowy
It's very cold in winter
Shrinking hands and feet: shrinking. Because of the cold and limbs can not stretch. Also describes the timid, worry, dare not let go
It's very cold
Frost and snow bully: bully. Pride: pride, pride. Frost and snow are cold things, but they dare to bully. It refers to the spirit of unyielding and extraordinary momentum
Lin Han Dong Su Han: cold; Su: Su Sha. It describes the scene of sparse trees and shallow streams in autumn and winter
Hunger and cold, hunger and cold together forced. Describes no food, no clothing, living in extreme poverty
Hunger and cold, hunger and cold together forced. Describes no food, no clothing, living in extreme poverty
The weather is cold
Snow cellar: a cave for collecting things. It's full of ice and snow. It's used to describe cold weather, also refers to severe cold area
The weather is very cold
To ask for warmth: to let out hot air to make cold people feel warm; to ask for warmth: to ask for warmth. To describe being very concerned about people's life
Cry because of hunger and cold. It describes a miserable life of starvation and cold
The weather is extremely cold
Cold at the end of the year refers to the cold scene at the end of the year
December refers to the cold season in October, November and December of the lunar calendar
Miserable wind: a cold wind; bitter rain: a long-term disastrous rain. It is used to describe bad weather. Later it is used to refer to a miserable situation
Chilly spring chilly chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly spring chilly
Cry out because of hunger and cold. Describes the miserable life of starvation and cold
One who keeps warm by fire because of cold
Wind and rain: cold. Wind and rain, cold and desolate
Cold wind is like a sword, and severe frost is like a sword
When the lips are gone, the teeth will feel cold
Chilly in spring: chilly. It describes the coldness in early spring
A drop of water makes ice. A drop of water makes ice
Ice and snow cellar: a basement for collecting goods. It's full of ice and snow. It describes a very cold scene
The cold wind pierces the heart like a needle. In this ghost weather, pedestrians on the roadside have disappeared, birds and animals have disappeared
The winter sun also seems afraid of cold, wearing thick clothes, heat can not be sent out
In winter, the whole world becomes a big refrigerator. The mountain is shivering, the river is stiff, and the air seems to solidify
It's cold enough to ice the lake
The water just boiled freezes as soon as it falls to the ground
In the middle of the night, the weather was very cold. Under the pale moonlight, the sand dune was like a tomb made of silver
He was shivering in the cold north wind and his hands and feet were frozen