English translation Joy and sorrow are next-door neighbeurs

English translation Joy and sorrow are next-door neighbeurs

Pain and happiness

English translation
1 The miracle is this—the more we share,the more we have.
2 He who loses wealth loses much;he who loses a friend loses more;but he
who loses courage loses all.
3 We should never remember the benefits we have offered nor forget
the favor received.
4 Life itself,without the assistance of colleges and universities,is becoming
an advanced institution of learning.

1: The miracle is that the more we share, the more we have
2: He lost a lot of money to those who lost their property and a lot more to those who lost their friends
If you lose courage, you lose everything
3: We should never forget the benefits you have given others
I have received a lot of favor
4: Life itself, without the help of colleges and universities, is appropriate
An institution of higher learning

English translation
There is no need for translation in reading questions
.I was rather suprised and pleased that I was capable of such effort at this height..
. but an excellent and safe company for all that!
north Col and Changtse

First sentence translation
I'm so surprised and happy that I have the ability to make such efforts to such a high level
There is no complete sentence in the second sentence
But all that's a good and safe partner is everything
Phrase 1
Phrase 2
Cornice or cornice
Phrase 3
Phrase 4
Commander north and Changtse
Phrase 5
Ha ha, I hope I can help you!

English phrase translation with Chinese
Don't break flowers and trees
Please Keep Off the Grass
Please close the door behind you
Don't litter

Do not discount flowers
Registered guests
Don't trample on the lawn
Please pick close
Don't throw waste

English translation
A day trip, all of us, each other and get dressed,

One day tour
All of us
each other
Get dressed

English translation
1.If the talks prove fruitful,the working groups will start bargaining in May.
2.Their unwise investment could spell financial ruin.
3.After a few experiments,I came up with a list of proposals.
4.Union leaders announced that they would,after all,take part in the national conference.
5.It’s so frustrating when you’re in a hurry and the traffic isn’t moving.
6.There’s no sign of peace in this area,so the future peace talks are in doubt.
7.This computer program will assess how much is spent on each student within the school.
8.He says he doesn’t want to see a doctor,but I’m afraid he has no alternative.
9.Each of the other roles is more p roductive:The traveler is a stranger whose curiosity can enrich the sense of community.
10.The city has emergency plans for dealing with a major disaster such as a rail crash.

Where is it?

English translation
1. Novel content 2. Humorous language 3. Fluent language
4. Easy to understand 5. Close to life

Do you want to translate it into English?
1.original content
2.talking humorously
3.fluent language
4.easy for understanding
5.be close to the life

English translation
Another day has passed

the day has passed again.

These words are for English translation
I want to be a real man. Women are all my fetters. I don't want them!

I want to be a real man.Women are all my obstacles.I don't need them!

English translation
Shanghai knitting General Factory
**Real estate development Limited
**Property Management Limited
Major projects
Main work scope

Shanghai Knitted needle Main plant ** real estate development Limited company ** estate management Limited company Main participation projectPrime task scope