English sentence elements (subject, predicate, adverbial, subject predicate agreement, object, adjective, adverb 0

English sentence elements (subject, predicate, adverbial, subject predicate agreement, object, adjective, adverb 0

1) Adverbials are used to describe the state of the object, including time adverbials, place adverbials, way adverbials, accompanying adverbials, concession adverbials, etc
2) Attribute refers to the characteristics of the object (noun, pronoun), including color, smell, weight, age, material, etc
3) The predicative is generally the adjective, participle, infinitive after be verb and some special verbs (such as turn, smile, etc.)
4) Subject refers to the actor of an action, or the object to be described, including nouns, pronouns, non finite verbs (infinitive, gerund, past participle as subject), etc
5) Predicate refers to the action itself (that is, the verb itself), be verb
6) Object refers to the receiver of action, or the object compared with the subject, including nouns, pronouns, etc
7) Clause refers to the subordinate sentences in compound sentences. Compound sentences refer to two or more subject predicate object elements in a sentence. These sentences with independent subject predicate object structure are connected by conjunctions (such as and which that where what, etc.), such as I want to tell you that he is a cheat, There are two sets of subject predicate object. The first set is subject I, predicate want, object is the component after tell (you that he is a cheat). The second set is subject he, predicate is object a cheat. These two sentences are connected by the conjunction that. Through the sentence meaning, we can judge: "I want to tell you that" is the subject sentence, "he is a cheat" is a subordinate sentence
As for the adjectives and adverbs, there's no need to ask. It's the same as asking why the sun comes out of the East Don't drill the horn clip

What is object, subject, predicate, transitive verb, pronoun, adjective, possessive pronoun in English

The object is the word after the predicate or preposition, the subject is the person or thing that makes a certain action, the predicate says that the popular point is the verb after the subject, the transitive verb refers to the verb directly followed by the noun, the pronoun refers to the word that refers to the person or thing, such as he, she, it, the adjective, the possessive pronoun refers to something, does not contain something

English: how to distinguish subject, predicate, predicative, adverb, preposition, noun, object and object case?

A person or thing whose subject precedes a verb
A verb whose predicate changes according to person or state of affairs
The person or thing after the predicative be verb
Adverbs modify verbs
Prepositions are fixed, and the verbs after prepositions should be in gerund form
Noun person, thing, thing
The person or thing whose object is after a verb
The form of an object pronoun