British English French is the plural of the human hour

British English French is the plural of the human hour

british english french
The singular and plural of these three words are the same when they are used to express people. They do not need to be deformed or added es or S

Is German variable complex number German or German?

This is a special case. There are also human beings

Plural of German
Is this word plural? What is it?
Is that Germen? Or is it plural or not?

It should be Germany
Because German is not a compound word, we can't change a to E
But: woman is a special case. Maybe there are some special cases. I haven't thought of them yet

Is the complex number of German n French German n French?

German plural is Germany
French man is French men

Do you usually add the definite article the before plural nouns

Not necessarily, sometimes when it refers to something or something in particular; otherwise, it will not be added

Can the definite article the be plural? For example, they eat the fruits that grow on the forest trees

It depends, but please don't add in the example you provided
In general, the subject of clause does not add "the", here it means "fruit" does not add "the"“
If there are no specific trees in the preceding and following text, we don't need to add "the"
If you have any questions, please ask again

The law of English singular changing into plural,

Generally speaking, the singular and plural of nouns have the following rules: &; 1. General nouns end with - S. &; for example: Book Books dog dogs dog tree tree tree tree tree; 2. Words ending with s, SH, CH, X end with - es

How to write English words for buses


What are the phonetic symbols of English words

Bus [B &; s] n
Hope to help you!

How to spell the English word "Crazy" and pronounce it in Chinese
That is to say, I have to pronounce the word "Crazy" in Chinese, because first, I don't know how to spell "Crazy"; second, I don't know how to pronounce it

Crazy ('krezi) can be read by ruiziyi. Ziyi is a little faster