Change a word into a plural text monkey bed army

Change a word into a plural text monkey bed army

texts monkeys beds armies

Several words become plural
Become plural
teacher desk mouth

Teachers [concise English Chinese Dictionary]
n. Teachers
Desk [concise English Chinese Dictionary]
n. Desk, desk
A concise English Chinese Dictionary
n. Mouth, mouth

Plural form of animal English


The plural of animals in English is itself
For example: Horse cow rabbit sheep which of these is the same complex number?


Is the animal with a in front of it plural in English

It's not that there are articles a and an in English, which indicate that something they modify must be singular. For example, a cat, a cat, a dog. If the plural is in most cases, s is added after the word. For example, cats means that there are more than one cats and dogs

How to write peach in English

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How to say peach in English?


How to say peach in English
It is helpful for the respondents to give accurate answers


How many peaches can you see

how many peaches can you see

How to say peaches and oranges in English?
