Are there any swings in the garden? No, there are

Are there any swings in the garden? No, there are

Is there anyone hanging out in the garden? 1111 is there a swing in the garden? No, it isn't
Swings can be used as a verb or a noun

English translation
1、 Write the words as required
1. Her__ 2. Slow (antonym)__ 3. Behind (antonym)__ 4. My (plural)__ 5. Show (present participle)__ 6. Visit 7. Xwing__ 8. Many (antonym)__
2、 Fill in the blanks appropriately
1.This is_ (he) mothr.She is in__ (a) office.
2.__ (she) name is Amy.It 's her__ (brother) pencil case.
3.How many__ (Chinese book) are there in the library?
4.Let's__ (run) together.Now we are__ (run).
3、 Rewrite sentences as required
1. There is (one) music room in our school
How many__ __ ___ ___ in your school?
2. Wendy can see five cupboards (in the tent)
____ ____ Wendy see five cupboards?
There are some answers or chairs in the lab
___ ___ ___ desks or chairs in the lab?
4. How many floors are there in your classroom building
There___ ___ .

It can eat fruit with its nose. There are many kinds of horses in the world__ His / my / your / its 2. Slow (antonym)__ Fast / quick / rapid3. Behind (antonym)__ ...

there are many kinds of theme parks in the world.But here is a park that you may not see.Bruno , the owner of a restaurant in Italy builds it by hand.he builds it in his free time It is a beautiful theme park in the is close to his restaurant .everyone who goes to his restaurant can have fun in the tales him40 years to build the park.But he is happy to bulid it.many people like haveing fun in the park.
"i love 's so beautiful.and i love I build this beautiful theme park

There are many types of theme parks in the world. But there is a park here that you may not see. Bruno, The owner of the restaurant built it by hand in Italy. He built it in his spare time. It's a beautiful theme park in the forest. It's close to his restaurant. Everyone can have a good time in the park when they go to his restaurant. This story is that him built the park in 40 years. But he is very happy to build it. Many people like to put it in an interesting park. "I love nature. It's so beautiful. And I love life I want to build this beautiful theme park, "Bruno said