Spell you fanily name please!

Spell you fanily name please!

How do you spell your family name?
Hope to help the landlord

Your, please, name, spell

Please spell your name

How are you spell your name

How do you spell your name?

Unit 1 of junior high school-___________ - Yes.ALICE .A.How can you spell your name?B.Spell your name,please.
C.What can you spell your name?
D.Can you spell your name?

From the answer, it should be a general question, so ad is OK, but D's answer should be
Yes, I can or no, I can't
So choose a

"Could you please tell me your name?"
"Could you please tell me your name?" why don't you use the past tense could instead of can?

Generally speaking, it is more polite to ask questions with could instead of can

Could you please tell me your name?

Grammatically speaking, there is no mistake, but it is a conventional saying with a euphemistic and polite tone

Can you tell me your name?

Yes, I can. Can you tell me your name

Complete the dialogue a: () you please tell me your name? B: Sure.Jack Smith.A:Could you tell me your ()?B:Certai

A:(Would)you please tell me your name?B: Sure.Jack Smith.A:Could you tell me your (name)?B:Certai

Tell, about, me, your, please, School

please tell me about your school.
Or; tell me about your school, please
Please tell me about your school
If you don't understand, please take it in time. Thank you!

Us about tell day your

Tell us about your day