can you tell me the difference between ___ and___ ? A.he,she B.she,he C.him,she D.him,her There is also why to choose so, to understand the view of junior one

can you tell me the difference between ___ and___ ? A.he,she B.she,he C.him,she D.him,her There is also why to choose so, to understand the view of junior one

Choose D, because the preposition between is followed by the object, he and she are the subject form, usually do the subject, when do the object to change into the object case, become him and her

can you tell me the difference between a mall and s_______ ?


The little boy can keep a basketball b_____ on his fingerfor two minutes


Don' make a boy a promise,If you know you can't keep it

If you know you can't keep your promise, don't give it to the boy

Can I keep the book________ longer? A little B a few C a little D few

A little followed by adjectives and adverbs
Add a countable noun after a fee
Hope to help the landlord

The little boy can hardly write, can he?

The little boy can hardly write, can he?
disjunctive question

The little boy could (dress)himself at the age of

The original form of the modal verb could
Dress yourself

The little boy can _________ (dive).

Cave prototype

The little boy gets dress and goes out?

If it means get dress, add a / the before or es after it
For example, water the flower
There is no water flower
Fly the kite
No fly kite
And is not a big problem, because it is also used in this way. Of course, adding then is more rigorous, but the main problem is dressed, and get dressed is a fixed collocation

Can the little boy () a student

Can the boy be a student?
The truth is: can the boy go to school? Or is he old enough to go to school?